I create an rally taskboard app by using the following source code: https://github.com/RallyApps/app-catalog/tree/master/src/apps/taskboard
Here is my rallycardboard config:
xtype: 'rallycardboard',
attribute: 'State',
rowConfig: {
field: 'WorkProduct',
sorters: [
property: this._getRankField(),
direction: 'ASC'
property: 'TaskIndex',
direction: 'ASC'
headerConfig: {
xtype: 'rallytaskboardrowheader'
columnConfig: {
xtype: 'rallycardboardcolumn'
fields: ['Release', 'PlanEstimate']
sortField: this._getRankField(),
enableCrossRowDragging: false
cardConfig: {
editable: true,
fields: ['Actuals'],
skipDefaultFields: false
margin: '10px 0 0 0',
plugins: [{ptype:'rallyfixedheadercardboard'}]
There are two problem for me:
In cardConfig part, I set visibility for Actuals field but it just visible when it has value, if it is null it not show. I want to show it even it has not value.
In headerConfig part, I use rallytaskboardrowheader, here is it's code:
{Ext.define('Rally.apps.taskboard.TaskBoardHeader', { extend: 'Rally.ui.cardboard.row.Header', alias: 'widget.rallytaskboardrowheader',
requires: [ 'Ext.util.DelayedTask', 'Rally.ui.popover.PopoverFactory' ], mixins: { clientMetrics: 'Rally.clientmetrics.ClientMetricsRecordable' }, initComponent: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this._delayedTask = Ext.create('Ext.util.DelayedTask', this._showPopover, this); this.on('afterrender', function() { this.getEl().on('mouseover', this._onMouseOver, this, {delegate: '.formatted-id-link'}); this.getEl().on('mouseout', this._onMouseOut, this, {delegate: '.formatted-id-link'}); }, this, {single: true}); }, _onMouseOver: function() { this._delayedTask.delay(500, null, null); }, _onMouseOut: function() { this._delayedTask.cancel(); }, _showPopover: function() { this.recordAction({description: 'showing work product popover on task board'}); if (!Ext.getElementById('work-product-popover')) { Rally.ui.popover.PopoverFactory.bake({ field: 'WorkProduct', target: this.getEl().down('.formatted-id-link'), type: this.value._type, oid: this.value.ObjectID, context: this.getContext() }); } }, onDestroy: function() { if(this._delayedTask) { this._delayedTask.cancel(); } }
so, how to I insert more field, information (or edit, customize) in to header tooltip.for example Release field of US
for the second problem I resolved it below:
-download source code of class Rally.ui.popover.WorkProductPopover and then overwrite your template you want.