Rally: get Task Remaining Total

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I've started to develop custom HTML report in Rally and I need to get somehow TASK REMAINING TOTAL. I can see it changes in description field of model "ArtifactNotification" (like: "description: TASK ESTIMATE TOTAL changed from [19.0] to [21.0], TASK REMAINING TOTAL changed from [18.0] to [20.0]"), but I can't find a proper model in Rally.data.wsapi.store for making a reference to it and get a number of remaining hours.

Model 'Task' does not have it.

Probably somebody knows where is it?


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AppSDK2 model 'task' does not have it because TaskEstimateTotal, TaskRemainingTotal exist on user story object in Web Services API. Please see WS API documentation, specifically HierarchicalRequirement (a.k.a user story) in the Object Model. The values for those attributes on a user story are read only and roll up from Estimate and ToDo attributes of individual tasks.