Random characters at beginning of decrypted data

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I am using a TADOQuery component in Delphi to read the contents of a column in a database which have been encrypted by a 3rd party .net application using RijndaelManaged algorithm. I have "sucessfully" decrypted the data back to its original XML format but there are random characters at the beginning of decrypted data.

<template xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" id="846aaa43-dc42-4bc7-98bd-bf643fd324cb" xmlns="http://web.net/schema">
    etc, etc, etc...

I have a feeling that this is the BOM but cannot figure a way of ignoring it during the reading / decrypting of the data.

I read the data like this:

tmpMemoryStream : TMemoryStream;
Result : TByteArray; (array of byte)

tmpMemoryStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
tmpMemoryStream.LoadFromStream( ADOQuery1.CreateBlobStream(ADOQuery1.FieldByName('Design'), bmRead) );

setLength(Result, tmpMemoryStream.Size);
tmpMemoryStream.Read(Result, 0, tmpMemoryStream.size);

The resulting byte array is then passed to a function that decrypts the data.

Thanks in advance.


Each encrypted file has the same header which looks like this:

A9 CD AA F5 AE 36 04 2F 04 2A A5 2F CE EF B0 83 C4 97 F7 CA 26 F7 28 ED F8 C3 26 F4 57 D5 CB EA 36 10 F9 9B A6 CE F2 67 6B 47 B9 16 6E A7 41 14 A2 CD 99 88 51 17 67 03 C0 C4 66 18 D6 2A 1F D2 DD 5F 24 83 14 87 96 35 90 B6 70 F1 E6 51 BD 7A AB 41 86 E8 4D F4 E0 B7 D4 0A 22 DA 26 BD 54 D4 DE D1 23 36 BE D8 C8 D9 EC D8 5B 0E 0B 1D BE D8 A3 BD B7 E4 37 40 EB 86 76 85 E5 F7 15 87 EB 47

The garbled first part of the decrypted data changes with each file, but as an example, looks like this:

3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 36 04 2F 04 2A 3F 2F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 26 3F 28 3F 3F 3F 26 3F 57 3F 3F 3F 36 10 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 67 6B 47 3F 16 6E 3F 41 14 3F 3F 3F 3F 51 17 67 03 3F 3F 66 18 3F 2A 1F 3F 3F 5F 24 3F 14 3F 3F 35 3F 3F 70 3F 3F 51 3F 7A 3F 41 3F 3F 4D 3F 3F 3F 3F 0A 22 3F 26 3F 54 3F 3F 3F 23 36 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 5B 0E 0B 1D 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 37 40 3F 3F 76 3F 3F 3F 15 3F 3F 47

EDIT 2 It was a problem with the IV... I was using the following code:

with myRijndaelManaged do
        BlockSize := 128;
        KeySize := 256;
        Key := myKey;
        IV := IV; <-- Should have been "myIV"
        Padding := PaddingMode.PKCS7;
        Mode := CipherMode.CBC;

Because it was in a with block, even though the IV variable wasn't set, it wasn't flagged as an error as it is a property of the myRijndaelManaged object. I changed IV to myIV which contained the correct byte array data.

Thanks for the pointer @bartonjs


There are 1 best solutions below


This looks a rather lot like you are not setting the IV value during decryption, leading to the first 16 bytes having plaintext recovery problems.

For full recovery you need the cipher text, key, and original IV (for modes other than ECB).