Rapid clicks navigation problem with bottom sheet in Jetpack Compose

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I have a button from which on click I navigate to bottom sheet, the problem come when I click this button multiple times very fast, I am using accompanist library for navigation, as you see below, here is my ModalBottomSheetLayout and Scaffold

val navController = rememberAnimatedNavController()
val bottomSheetNavigator = rememberFullScreenBottomSheetNavigator()
navController.navigatorProvider += bottomSheetNavigator

    bottomSheetNavigator = bottomSheetNavigator
) {
        scaffoldState = rememberScaffoldState(snackbarHostState = snackState),
        content = { paddingValues ->
                navController = navController,
                startDestination = "bottomsheet",
            ) {
                bottomSheet("bottomsheet") {

        bottomBar = {

And this is my bottom sheet navigator

fun rememberFullScreenBottomSheetNavigator(
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = SwipeableDefaults.AnimationSpec,
    skipHalfExpanded: Boolean = true,
): BottomSheetNavigator {
    val sheetState = rememberModalBottomSheetState(

    if (skipHalfExpanded) {
        LaunchedEffect(sheetState) {
            snapshotFlow { sheetState.isAnimationRunning }
                .collect {
                    with(sheetState) {
                        val isOpening =
                            currentValue == ModalBottomSheetValue.Hidden && targetValue == ModalBottomSheetValue.HalfExpanded
                        val isClosing =
                            currentValue == ModalBottomSheetValue.Expanded && targetValue == ModalBottomSheetValue.HalfExpanded
                        when {
                            isOpening -> animateTo(ModalBottomSheetValue.Expanded)
                            isClosing -> animateTo(ModalBottomSheetValue.Hidden)

    return remember(sheetState) {
        BottomSheetNavigator(sheetState = sheetState)

I have one screen where there is button, and onClick of this button I want to navigate from screen 1(where the button is clicked) to screen 2(where bottom sheet is) both of this screens have different viewModels.

This is where I click cancel button

onCancel = {

and in VM

fun cancelButton() {
    viewModelScope.launch {

So the problem is just when I spam button very fast the bottom sheet appears almost on full size and then it collapse again, if I do not spam it, it appears like normal bottom sheet and I cannot click the button on background again, this bug happens only if I spam it.

PS: I tried with button bouncer, with some delays with if cycle and so on, but noting of this worked, I think I am missing something essential for navigation itself.


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