Rauc-Hawkbit-Updater cant connect to hawkBit

265 Views Asked by At

I successfully deployed rauc-hawkbit-updater. But when I try to run it, it always get a 401 Unauthorized Error. I used following config file:

hawkbit_server            =
ssl                       = false
ssl_verify                = false
tenant_id                 = DEFAULT
target_name               = Testgeraet
bundle_download_location  = /tmp/bundle.raucb
auth_token                = 59717ebd8df47764e7a29e742e2b4c63

key1                      = valueA
key2                      = valueB

The auth_token is the same one, as in the hawkBit Server:

Testgeraet in hawkBit Server

I also activated the needed Settings from the Server:

Server config

But all the Server returnes is an error:

Server error

The Header is set properly:


I am stuck at this problem. Do you know what I did wrong?


There are 1 best solutions below


I stumbled about the Solution. In the target_name I have to insert the Controller ID.