Razor helper file is not working from the WebDAV URL

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I am using some common function in Razor-Mediator templating,

As per the Razor doc, we can create a helper file and can define all the common function there.

<razor.mediator cacheTime="60" extractBinaries="true" adminUser="XXX\pgupta">
      <add namespace="System.Linq" />
      <add namespace="Tridion.Extensions.Mediators.Razor.Templating" />
      <!-- <add assembly="C:\Program Files\Assembly\Test.Sample.dll" /> -->
      <!--<add assembly="RazorSample.Test, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=60ad7434f03dfcdc" />-->
      <!--<add import="tcm:4-21631-2048" />-->
      <add import="/webdav/04 Vanilla Layout/Building Blocks/System/Template Building Blocks/Razor/razor.cshtml" />
      <add import="C:\Program Files (x86)\Tridion\Razor Mediator\helper.cshtml" />
      <!-- <add import="tcm:120-2200-2048" publications="020 Design Master,030 Another Web Design" />-->
    <importSettings includeConfigWhereUsed="true" includeImportWhereUsed="true" replaceRelativePaths="false" />

i am successfully import these all function when I defined the physical path in the config file.

But, its not working when I defined the wevDAV URL in the config file,

Could any one please help me on this?


There are 1 best solutions below


I see spaces in your webdav path - is it like this or do you have %20 and SO is stripping them out?

I usually write a small VBScript Page Template and put use this code to get the webdav URL:

dim uri, item
uri = "tcm:0-0-0"  ' update this uri and use the item in the parent repository
set item = TDSE.GeTObject(uri, 1)
WriteOut item.info.WebdavUrl

Otherwise, the Razor 1.3 Mediator added Where Used functionality compatibility and this could be causing some issues. The source code was updated to 1.31 but a compiled version of it is not on the Google Code Downloads. You can grab the source and compile yourself to use the latest version: http://code.google.com/p/razor-mediator-4-tridion/source/list