Re-transmission concept in TCP

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Server sent data to client, but client didn't send ACK for the data . So once RTT completed , Server will resend data to client again .... like that how long it will try to send the data ? What is the maximum time server will try to send the data to client?


There are 2 best solutions below


TCP uses an exponential backoff, meaning that it doubles the time between each unacknowledged retransmission. Once a maximum threshold is reached, the connection is closed. This limit varies from system to system, but is typically between 2 and 9 minutes.


To provide basic reliability for sent data, each device’s TCP implementation uses a retransmission queue. Each sent segment is placed on the queue and a retransmission timer started for it. When an acknowledgment is received for the data in the segment, it is removed from the retransmission queue. If the timer goes off before an acknowledgment is received the segment is retransmitted and the timer restarted.