React Js require 'fs'

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I have

import fs from 'fs'

and in my package.json I have

Then I run the command

>  npm i fs
>  [email protected] node_modules/fs

next in my React store I import 'fs' module

import fs from 'fs'

However when I try to use fs

I don't see methods except for constructor and a few other __methods. I don't see the method createReadStream or any other file manipulation methods.

Does anybody know what is wrong? (using Webpack) and can give more information upon request, but I am getting this far...

ps: why is it that I can npm i fs --save when I read on other posts that I do not have to do that (using node 5.5.0)

import Reflux from 'reflux'
import AddItemActions from '../actions/AddItemActions'
import request from  'superagent-bluebird-promise'
import fs from 'fs'

var ImageStore = Reflux.createStore({

  decryptImage(file) {
    var reader = new FileReader();
    var info = {}
    reader.onload = (output) => {
        .set("X-Mashape-Key", "KEY")
        .set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
        .set("Accept", "application/json")
        .send({'focus': { 'x': 480}})
        .send({'focus': { 'y': 640}})
        .send({'image_request': {'altitude': 27.912109375}})
        .send({'image_request': {'language': "en"}})
        .send({'image_request': {'latitude': 35.8714220766008}})
        .send({'image_request': {'locale' : "en_US"}})
        .send({'image_request': {'longitude': 14.3583203002251}})
        .send({'image_request': {'image': fs.createReadStream("/path" + 'file.jpg')}})
        .then(function (result) {
          console.log(result.status, result.headers, result.body);
 = result
          function(error) {

    return info


There are 4 best solutions below


Dropped in here had an issue with fs, had to download file in docx. Reason for this is it's a node package not react, To fix i switched to file saver package and it works fine for my requirement, replaced toBuffer with toBlob and fs with saveAs, example code below.

//with fs
Packer.toBuffer(doc).then((buffer) => {
  fs.writeFileSync("My Document.docx", buffer);

//with file saver
Packer.toBlob(doc).then(blob => {
  saveAs(blob, 'MyDocument.docx')

you can know more about file saver here.


npm i babel-plugin-preval

Though browser does not allow accessing file system during runtime, You can use prevail in React to read content from file system into memory during build time like so

// loading content of text file into react project during build time.
// which means everytime text content is changed, you need to rebuild the project to get the updated content.
const greetingContent = preval`
  const fs = require('fs')
  module.exports = fs.readFileSync(require.resolve('./greeting.txt'), 'utf8')

In create-react-app they have stubbed out 'fs'. You cannot import it. They did this because fs is a node core module.
You'll have to find another solution to that problem. See this ticket.


It's possible this might be an environment issue. It's not possible for the browser to interpret and run some Node server-side modules like fs.

The solution is to run the fs methods in a Node environment (server-side) or to find a package which offers the same functionality but written for the browser.

It's discussed in this question... Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'fs'

And this question... Use fs module in React.js,node.js, webpack, babel,express