react-syntax-highlighter is not working with TailwindCSS

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I am displaying sanity block content using [@sanity/block-content-to-react](@sanity/block-content-to-react). The BlockContent component is wrapper by div with class of "prose".

 <div className="prose prose-zinc font-display prose-h1:font-normal prose-code:mx-1 prose-code:before:content-none prose-code:after:content-none dark:prose-invert ">
         // Pass in block content straight from

In my serializers, I am passing custom <Code/> component.

  const serializers = {
    types: {
      code: (props) => <Code props={props} />,

In my custom code component, I am using Syntax Highlighter to wrap by code content.

      <SyntaxHighlighter style={theme} language={props.node.language}>

But, no matter which theme I choose, it only changes the background colors and font sizes but has no effect in text colors.

Sample code

I thought 'prose' class on wrapper div was causing the problem. But remove that didn't work either.

          {/* <div className="prose prose-zinc font-display prose-h1:font-normal prose-code:mx-1 prose-code:before:content-none prose-code:after:content-none   dark:prose-invert "> */}
            // Pass in block content straight from
          {/* </div> */}

Does anyone have any solution ?


There are 1 best solutions below


I am not sure if you are using a custom theme or if you are using one of the many option. But if you are using the available one that you can find here:

Then it may be a problem with your imports.

If I import the theme like that (using the hljs ): import {dark} from "react-syntax-highlighter/dist/esm/styles/hljs"; I only get background color.

If I import the theme like this using the 'prism' option I get the text color too: import {dark} from "react-syntax-highlighter/dist/esm/styles/prism";