Read quotation mark within quoted text in R

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I am trying to read the following text into R:

    "Complete","2014 H2","123456","Local","789123","File of files","A","142","000","Text",""Sharp Yield Rise
    Flight to Quality
    Liquidity Crisis
    Equity Crash
    Credit Crisis

The input file is a CMA file (IBM Cognos).

I run the following code.

a <- read.table("aa.cma", header=FALSE, sep=",", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

I get the following error:

Error in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec,  : 
line xxx did not have 11 elements

The line xxx reference is for the -3.7% line from above.

I think this is either due to the quotation mark within the quoted text (see "Sharp" in text above) or having embedded sep=',' and/or (unescaped) '\n' characters within unbalanced unescaped quotes.

Your help is very much appreciated.


There are 1 best solutions below


read_csv from dplyr seems to do the trick (Read strings that contain a quote in a comma-separated and quote-contained files. For instance, "a","b","c"" where the values are a, b and c")