Realm objects returns nil after adding

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I created an Person object when the User logs in:

let creds = SyncCredentials.jwt(accessToken)
SyncUser.logIn(with: creds, server: Constants.syncAuthURL, onCompletion: { [weak self](user, err) in
    if let user = user {
        self?.setDefaultRealmConfiguration(with: user)
        let realm = try! Realm()
        let identity = (user.identity)!

        let person = Person() = identity
        try! realm.write {
          realm.add(person, update: true)

        self?.performSegue(withIdentifier: "showProfile", sender: self)

The Person successfully created on the cloud server.

In the next viewcontroller i like to fetch the object based on the id:

let realm = try! Realm()
guard let uuid = SyncUser.current?.identity! else { return }
let person = realm.objects(Person.self).filter("id = %@", uuid).first

try! realm.write {
  person?.name = "test"

The person is always nil I also tried the query the object with the primary key, but with no success.

The Person class looks like:

class Person : Object {

    @objc dynamic var id = ""
    @objc dynamic var created: Date = Date()
    @objc dynamic var name = ""
    @objc dynamic var email = ""
    @objc dynamic var avatar : Data?

    override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
        return "id"


I created a new app with just one Viewcontroller and the Person class:

class ViewController: UIViewController {

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let creds = SyncCredentials.usernamePassword(username: "admin", password: "test")
    SyncUser.logIn(with: creds, server: Constants.AUTH_URL, onCompletion: { (user, err) in
        if let user = user {

            var config = user.configuration(realmURL: Constants.REALM_URL)
            config.objectTypes = [Person.self]
            Realm.asyncOpen(configuration: config, callback: { (realm, error) in

                guard let realm = realm else {return}

                let objects = realm.objects(Person.self)

                print(objects) // always empty why???

                try! realm.write {
                    let p = Person()
           = "test"
                print(objects) // one object

as with my other problem the person is successfully added to the cloud. but when I restart the app the objects are empty on the first query. Maybe I miss understanding something with the synched realms?


There are 1 best solutions below

let results = realm.objects(Person.self)
let subscription = results.subscribe()

resolve my problem