Rebar eunit runs non native (non Hipe) code

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I have compiled my Erlang module using

rebar compile

using the following option in rebar.config

{erl_opts, [native, {hipe, [verbose]}, warnings_as_errors, debug_info]}.
{eunit_compile_opts, [native, {hipe, [verbose]}, warnings_as_errors, debug_info]}.

I see that the code is indeed compiled to native since I see Hipe messages during compilation and the .beam file size are also larger than non-native compilation.

However when I run

rebar eunit

which tests my module I always get false for


within my module under test.

Why does rebar not run my eunit test as native code?

I have additionally added this line to the reltool.config file,

 {app, hipe, [{incl_cond, include}]},

rebar 2.1.0-pre 17 20140421_192321 git 2.1.0-pre-166-ged88055


There are 1 best solutions below


Your code is recompiled when you run "rebar eunit" using the compile options defined by

  • {erl_opts, [native, {hipe, [verbose]}, warnings_as_errors, debug_info]}.

and modified by the compile options defined by

  • {eunit_compile_opts, [???]}.

Did you check these options?