Recipient List does not match Sent to List in Sent Sitecore EXM Campaign

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I've recently sent out an EXM Campaign message to a recipient list of 461 Recipients, however the Sent to number displays 300. Is there a way for me to see which recipients did not get an email, or more importantly, why the message was only sent to 300 of the 461 contacts?


There are 2 best solutions below

  1. Open Content Editor in FF or IE or Safari
  2. Find engagement plan that correspond your ExM Campaign. It is located /sitecore/system/Marketing Control Panel/Engagement Plans/Email Campaign/Emails/[YEAR]/[MONTH]/[DAYandTIMESTAMP]/[NAMEofYOURCAMPAIGN]
  3. Click "Monitor" button

You will be able to see amount of recipients in each state and will be able to figure out who received email and who not.


Yes, you can see the reports by do the below steps.

  1. Open Email Experience Manager
  2. In the Dash Board left section under the report click the on the "Sent"
  3. Click the Sent Message Dash board, click on the message you want to see the report.
  4. In the Report Screen, it will show you the all the details like, Total recipients, Active recipients, Unsubscribers and Email Bounces.