Redis Lettuce TimeoutOptions versus Spring commandTimeout in cluster deployment

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In Lettuce, there are various timeout settings, primarily focusing on connection timeouts and command timeouts. When I attempted to configure Lettuce, I discovered that there are two distinct types of timeouts available, as shown below in the provided Kotlin code:

fun lettuceClientConfigurationBuilderCustomizer(): LettuceClientConfigurationBuilderCustomizer {
    return LettuceClientConfigurationBuilderCustomizer { builder ->
        val topologyRefreshOptions = ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.builder()
        val timeoutOptions = TimeoutOptions.builder()
        val socketOption = SocketOptions.builder()
        val clientOptions = ClusterClientOptions.builder()


In above, I think that timeout for socketOption is connection timeout. But how about the timeout for TimeoutOptions and builder.commandTimeout() ? both are saying that 'this is for command timeout' and I can't find out any differences. I guess builder.commandTimeout is for global configuration and timeoutOptions is for more granular configuration which means 'specifying timeout per commands'. Is this right ?


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