Redis - Parse data stream provided by remote server

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I have set up locally Redis and I want to connect to a remote server that provides a synthetic data stream in the form < ID, value >. I have so far managed to connect to the server mentioned above using sockets, read the data stream and just print it. Instead I want to store the pairs in a hash data structure (I'm going to store more informations about each ID later). The problem is that I don't know how to parse the data stream in order to use hget and how to it continuously. In a higher level I would like to be able to pass Name and Value from the incoming data stream as arguments to hget. Forgot to mention I'm using Python API. So far:

import socket
client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
client_socket.connect(('', 1337))
while 1:
        data = client_socket.recv(512)
        print data

A sample of the data stream:


I'm not sure if there is a guarantee that all lines are fully formatted but let's that they are.


There are 1 best solutions below


Parsing a single non-empty line into a key/value pair is as simple as :

key, value = line.strip().split(",", 1)

Assuming your data may be incomplete (unterminated record) and that it's the linefeed that marks the end of a record, you can store incomplete records in a buffer and add them back before parsing, so your function might look something like this:

 def run(client_socket):
    buffer = ""
    while True:
        data = client_socket.recv(512)
        # not sure the following lines makes sense - 
        # you may actually want to handle exceptions 
        # or whatever
        if not data:

        # add the buffer back 
        data = buffer + data
        # split on newlines
        lines = data.splitlines()
        # check if we have an incomplete record
        # (if it doesn't end with a newline)
        if data[-1] !=  '\n':
            # incomplete record, store it back so
            # we process it next time
            buffer = lines.pop()
            # all records complete for this call, 
            # empty the buffer for next turn
            buffer = "" 

        # now handle our records:    
        for line in filter(None, lines):
            k, v = line.split(",", 1)
            do_something_with(k, v)

The implementation of do_something_with(k, v) is left as an exercise to the reader.