Remove app icon in Android O pinned shortcuts

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In Android O new pinned shortcuts API has been introduced. In additional they simple block old way (via "" action).

At the end this API works but new pinned shortcut icons have app icon at the bottom right. I.e. you provide some icon in the API, but the final shortcut icon on the launcher have in additional app icon.

I know that this was added specially for inform the user which app has created the shortcut.

But is there any way for remove this icon and show icon which I provide in ShortcutManager.requestPinShortcut (ShortcutInfo shortcut,IntentSender resultIntent) ?

Update 1
Many users of my app think that I do this specially (and some users even try to buy Pro mode for disable this). So I really want to find any possible workarounds, as I understand from Oreo source code - this happens because a launcher app requests shortcut icon with the badge. So valid fix can be made only on launcher side only.
I also tried to cheat system function for obtain shortcut icon with the badge - while you use requestPinShortcut the system adds your app id automatically to the shortcut info, I tried to avoid this and provide 0 instead of valid app id, but seems somewhere on low level this is blocked and creating of a shortcuts is not happen.
Another try: setup the app icon to transparent, so this works, but don't look cool (your app icon is empty). So I tried to create separate app without main activity but with empty app icon - in this case the system crashes :)

At the end I can find only one workaround - if the user add shortcut not in the app, but via add from widgets flow then the shortcut icon is not changed. I provided this solution to my users.


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