Render datalayer from another c# class like refresh ()

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How to make my Mapsui layers visible and rendered after I call the below void function from another class? MyMap.Refesh() does so I don’t get a null error?

In my code behind MapsuiControl.xaml.cs file I have:

public void CreateImageLayer()

In the xaml file MapsuiControl.xaml I have:

<winui:MapControl x:Name="MyMap" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />

The another c# class call the code-behind file in this function:

private void SendImageLayerString()

I can only show the layer when I using this code in the constructor at the code-behind file MapsuiControl.xaml.cs but I want it in a void function that is called from another c# class: MyMap.Map.Layers.Add(_imageLayerFactoryTwo.CreateLayer());

The whole constructor when I can show the datalayer is:

public MapsuiControl()

The c# class I want to call it from:

public class UserSenderViewModel : ObservableRecipient
        private MapsuiControl mapControl; /*= new ();*/

        public UserSenderViewModel()
            mapControl = new MapsuiControl();
        public void SendUserMessage()

Another example:

I had also tried to create a MapsuiControl from the beginning like MainViewModel.cs => UserSenderViewModel

public partial class MainViewModel : ObservableObject
    private MapsuiControl _mapsuiControl; 

    private UserSenderViewModel _userSenderViewModel;

    public MainViewModel()
        _mapsuiControl = new MapsuiControl();
        _userSenderViewModel = new UserSenderViewModel(_mapsuiControl);

    public UserSenderViewModel UserSenderViewModel { get { return _userSenderViewModel; } }

and UserSenderViewModel.cs:

public class UserSenderViewModel : ObservableRecipient
        private MapsuiControl _mapControl;

        public UserSenderViewModel(MapsuiControl mapControl)
            _mapControl = mapControl;
        public void SendUserMessage()

With ICommand:


public ICommand SendImageLayerCommand { get; }

    private string imageLayer = "Image Layer";

    public string ImageLayer
        get => imageLayer;
        private set => SetProperty(ref imageLayer, value);

    private void SendImageLayerString()

Xaml file in a usercontrol:

            Content="Show Image Datalayer"
            Command="{x:Bind ViewModel.SendImageLayerCommand, Mode=OneWay}"

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