Replace numbers of char after a specific char

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I´m creating an application that converts text to Braille. Converting to Braille is not a problem, but I don´t know how to convert it back.

Example 1: Converting numbers to Braille

1     = #a
123   = #abc
12 45 = #ab #de

Example 2: Converting capitals to Braille

Jonas = ,jonas
JONAS = ,,jonas

I have a problem converting Braille back to normal. I can't just convert every a to 1 and so on. The numbers can be checked by the # and then change the chars after it to the next space, but I dont know how. The comma before the letter is harder to separate from other commas in the text.

Here is my class for converting to braille:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;

namespace BrailleConverter
    class convertingBraille
        public Font getIndexBrailleFont()
            return new Font("Index Braille Font", (float)28.5, FontStyle.Regular);

        public Font getPrintableFontToEmbosser()
            return new Font("Lucida Console", (float)28.5, FontStyle.Regular);
            //return new Font("Index Black Text Font", (float)28.5, FontStyle.Regular);

        public string convertCapitalsToUnderscore(string text)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                return "";

            text = " " + text;

            text = text.Replace('.', '\'');
            text = text.Replace(',', '1');
            text = text.Replace('?', '5');
            text = text.Replace('!', '6');
            text = text.Replace(':', '3');
            text = text.Replace('=', '7');
            text = text.Replace('+', '4');
            text = text.Replace('*', '9');
            text = text.Replace('é', '=');

            StringBuilder newText = new StringBuilder(text.Length * 2);

            bool firstCapLetterInWord = true;

            for (int i = 1; i < text.Length; i++)
                char letter = text[i]; // Aktuell bokstav
                char nextLetter = ' '; // Nästa bokstav

                    nextLetter = text[i + 1];


                // Är det stor bokstav?
                if (char.IsUpper(letter))
                    // Är nästa bokstav stor?
                    if (char.IsUpper(nextLetter))
                        // Är det början av ett helt ord med caps?
                        if (firstCapLetterInWord)
                            newText.Append(",,"); // 2 st understräck framför ordet

                            firstCapLetterInWord = false; // Ändra så att inte nästa bokstav får 2 st understräck
                    else // Annars bara ett understräck
                        if (firstCapLetterInWord)
                            newText.Append(","); // Sätt understräck framför bokstav

                        firstCapLetterInWord = true; // Förbereda för nästa capsord


            string finishedText = newText.ToString().TrimStart(); // Ta bort mellanslaget i början

            finishedText = finishedText.ToLower();

            finishedText = finishedText.Replace('å', '*');
            finishedText = finishedText.Replace('ä', '>');
            finishedText = finishedText.Replace('ö', '[');

            return finishedText;

        public string convertNumbersToBrailleNumbers(string text)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                return "";

            text = " " + text;

            StringBuilder newText = new StringBuilder(text.Length * 2);

            bool firstNumberInNumber = true;

            for (int i = 1; i < text.Length; i++)
                char letter = text[i]; // Aktuell tecken
                char nextLetter = ' '; // Nästa tecken

                    nextLetter = text[i + 1];


                char convertedChar = text[i];

                // Är tecknet en siffra?
                if (char.IsNumber(letter))
                    // Är nästa tecken en siffra?
                    if (char.IsNumber(nextLetter))
                        // Är det början av ett flertaligt nummer?
                        if (firstNumberInNumber)
                            newText.Append('#'); // Brädkors framför nummret

                            firstNumberInNumber = false; // Ändra så att inte nästa siffra får brädkors
                    else // Annars bara ett understräck
                        if (firstNumberInNumber)
                            newText.Append('#'); // Sätt brädkors framför siffran


                        firstNumberInNumber = true; // Förbereda för nästa flertaliga nummer


            string finishedText = newText.ToString().TrimStart();

            finishedText = finishedText.Replace('1', 'a');
            finishedText = finishedText.Replace('2', 'b');
            finishedText = finishedText.Replace('3', 'c');
            finishedText = finishedText.Replace('4', 'd');
            finishedText = finishedText.Replace('5', 'e');
            finishedText = finishedText.Replace('6', 'f');
            finishedText = finishedText.Replace('7', 'g');
            finishedText = finishedText.Replace('8', 'h');
            finishedText = finishedText.Replace('9', 'i');
            finishedText = finishedText.Replace('0', 'j');

            return finishedText;

        public string convertBackToPrint(string oldText)
            string newText = oldText.Replace(",", "");
            newText = newText.Replace("#", "");
            newText = newText.Replace("*", "å");
            newText = newText.Replace(">", "ä");
            newText = newText.Replace("[", "ö");
            newText = newText.Replace('\'', '.');
            newText = newText.Replace('1', ',');
            newText = newText.Replace('5', '?');
            newText = newText.Replace('6', '!');
            newText = newText.Replace('3', ':');
            newText = newText.Replace('7', '=');
            newText = newText.Replace('4', '+');
            newText = newText.Replace('9', '*');
            newText = newText.Replace('=', 'é');

            return newText;

There are 2 best solutions below


Thinking about this, perhaps, what you actually want to do is implement your own encoding, called somthing like PrintableSwedishBrailleAsciiEncoding inheriting from the Encoding base class.

using System.Text;

public sealed PrintableSwedishBrailleAsciiEncoding : Encoding

That would maximise the resuability of you code and enable you to simply use the rest of the framework to do your work.

In response to your comment on my now deleted answer, I think you are asking,

How can I replace a certain character, followed by any number of non whitespace chars, up until the first whitespace char. Or, more generally, whole words beginning with a certain character?

So you could use a Regex something like this, I think this would match a # followed by a number of non whitespace characters.

var numberMatcher = new Regex(@"#\w+")
var firstMatch = numberMatcher.Match(yourText)

var alteredMatch = SomeTextAlteringFunction(firstMatch);

var yourNewText = numberMatcher.Replace(yourText, alteredMatch);

This was my solution (Thanks alot Jodrell)

        public string convertBackToPrint(string oldText)
            string newText = oldText.Replace(",", "");
            newText = newText.Replace("*", "å");
            newText = newText.Replace(">", "ä");
            newText = newText.Replace("[", "ö");
            newText = newText.Replace('\'', '.');
            newText = newText.Replace('1', ',');
            newText = newText.Replace('5', '?');
            newText = newText.Replace('6', '!');
            newText = newText.Replace('3', ':');
            newText = newText.Replace('7', '=');
            newText = newText.Replace('4', '+');
            newText = newText.Replace('9', '*');
            newText = newText.Replace('=', 'é');

            var numberMatcher = new Regex(@"#\w+");
            var firstMatch = numberMatcher.Match(newText);
            string alteredMatch = convertToNum(firstMatch.ToString());
            string yourNewText = numberMatcher.Replace(newText, alteredMatch);

            return yourNewText;

        private string convertToNum(string oldText)
            string newText = "";

            newText = oldText.Replace("a", "1");
            newText = newText.Replace("b", "2");
            newText = newText.Replace("c", "3");
            newText = newText.Replace("d", "4");
            newText = newText.Replace("e", "5");
            newText = newText.Replace("f", "6");
            newText = newText.Replace("g", "7");
            newText = newText.Replace("h", "8");
            newText = newText.Replace("i", "9");
            newText = newText.Replace("j", "0");
            newText = newText.Replace("#", "");

            return newText;