Requirements for COM aggregate my custom IRibbonExtensibility implementation?

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We have a stripped down Connect class which instantiates the addin's core from an other assembly. Our architectural design is to keep the UI and business logic separated from the loading module (= Connect class), but the restrictions of a shared Addin make us troubles.

what we did in Connect.cs:

[GuidAttribute("XYZ"), ProgId("XYZ")]
public class Connect : Object, IDTExtensibility2, ICustomQueryInterface
    CustomQueryInterfaceResult ICustomQueryInterface.GetInterface(ref Guid iid, 
                                                                  out IntPtr ppv)
        if (iid.Equals(new Guid("000C0396-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")))
            ppv = Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(
            return CustomQueryInterfaceResult.Handled;

        ppv = IntPtr.Zero;
        return CustomQueryInterfaceResult.NotHandled;            

how the RibbonUI looks like:

public interface IOfficeFluentUI :  IRibbonExtensibility

public class OfficeFluentUI : OfficeUIBase, IOfficeFluentUI
    public string GetCustomUI(string RibbonID)

The GetInterface function works, it gets the com interface, but unfortunately the GetCustomUI function gets NEVER called. What did we wrong? Thank You very much for any help.

[edit] We already know the "Managed COM Aggregation" and "ICustomQueryInterface" articles. Unfortunately, they did not really help.


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