Rescaling Image in Windows Form

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I have a set of points I want to show on a 2000x2000 canvas. Here is an example: "61.86, 83 - 61.79, 82.91 - 61.77, 82.77 - 61.92, 82.76 - 61.75, 82.7 - 61.79, 82.58 - 61.85, 82.46 - 61.79, 82.17 - 61.72, 81.88 - 61.61, 81.61 - 61.51, 81.33 - 61.49, 81.02 - 61.33, 80.99 - 61.37, 80.83"

These points are from a 100x100 grid so the first one ought to be in the bottom right quarter of my 2000*2000 canvas.

To do this I have code that finds the biggest X and Y and then rescales.

        List<double> MinAndMax(List<Node> spots)
            List<double> retValues = new List<double>();
            double xLowest = spots.Select(s => s.X).Min();
            double xHighest = spots.Select(s => s.X).Max();
            double xDifference = xHighest - xLowest;
            double yLowest = spots.Select(s => s.Y).Min();
            double yHighest = spots.Select(s => s.Y).Max();
            double yDifference = yHighest - yLowest;
            if (xLowest < yLowest)

            if (xHighest < yHighest)

            return retValues;
        int Rescale(double oldValue, double oldMin, double oldMax, int newMin, int newMax)
            return Convert.ToInt32(((oldValue - oldMin) * (newMax - newMin) / (oldMax - oldMin)) + newMin);

I call it like so:

            double zoneMin, zoneMax;
            int lowestCanvas = 150, highestCanvas = 1850;

            List<Node> path = await PathMaker();
            List<double> zoneMinMax = MinAndMax(path);

            zoneMin = zoneMinMax[0];
            zoneMax = zoneMinMax[1];

            foreach (Node spot in path)
                Point point = new Point();
                point.X = Rescale(spot.X, zoneMin, zoneMax, lowestCanvas, highestCanvas);
                point.Y = Rescale(spot.Y, zoneMin, zoneMax, lowestCanvas, highestCanvas);
                NodeSpot dot = new NodeSpot()
                    Name = spot.Name,
                    Location = point,
                    IsInPath = true

Instead of getting my little path nicely spread out, I get this odd clump in the bottom LEFT had quadrant. You can see the clump

I can't see where I am going wrong here. What do I need to do in order to have my 14 points spread out over the canvass?


There are 3 best solutions below


Your issue is that you are returning a single min value and a single max value. You need separate min and max values for X and Y, as the ranges in each coordinate are different. In your sample data from the question the range of X is [-61.92, 61.86] and the range of Y is [80.83, 83]. Your approach will draw a frame covering [-61.92, -61.92] to [83, 83], with most of the points in one corner.

Your test fails to catch the problem as the X and Y values are the same in the test case. Create a test case where the X values are all negative and the Y values positive, this will show the issue.


let's take [[20, 20], [50, 50], [80, 80]] as an easy exemple.

min and max will be 20 and 80 and wanted scale is 0 to 2000.

for the point [50, 50]

(((oldValue - oldMin) * (newMax - newMin) / (oldMax - oldMin)) + newMin)


((50 - 20) * (2000 - 0) / (80 - 20)) + 0
= 30*2000 / 60
= 1000 (which is half the size of the canvas)

seems coherent so the problem is not coming from the transform function

I suggest trying to debug it by printing the [X, Y] values of the "point" to be sure tho

Also print the min max of the oldScale to be sure this is not the problem