Reset the changed values doesn't work in other Ctrl (AngularJS)

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I'm a bit confused about my problem. In fact I've 2 views and ctrl who are working with a service. First View contains a tablelist with the items which will load from a WebAPI. The service makes requests to the server and provides to order. Also I'm using another service to transfer the selected item row in the other Ctrl. Here's the Code:


<table class="table table-bordered table-hover">
    <tr ng-repeat="item in namelist" ng-click="open(this.item)">
      <td>{{ item.fname }}</td>
      <td>{{ item.lname }}</td>


$scope.namelist = reqService.names.query();

$ = function (item) {
  $scope.selectedItem = item;           
  modalService.openDialog($scope.namelist, $scope.selectedItem);


//Service for HTTP Requests
testApp.factory('reqService', ['$resource', 'baseUrl', function ($resource, baseUrl) {
    return {
        names: $resource(baseUrl + '/api/name/:Id', {
            Id: '@Id'
        }, {
            'update': {
                method: 'PUT'

Service for modal dialog:

//Modal dialog service
testApp.factory('modalService', ['$modal', function ($modal) {
    return {
        openDialog: function (namelist, selectedItem) {
            return ${
                templateUrl: 'views/view2.html',
                controller: 'SecondCtrl',
                resolve: {
                    namedList: function () {
                        return namelist;
                    selected: function () {
                        return selectedItem;


testApp.controller('SecondCtrl', ['$scope', '$modalInstance', 'namedList', 'selected', 'reqService', '$http'..., function (...){
   /*copy of the original items*/
   $scope.copyItem = angular.copy(selected);

   $scope.cancel = function () {
      $scope.selected = angular.copy($scope.copyItem);

   $scope.reset = function () {
      $scope.selected = angular.copy($scope.copyItem);
      selected = angular.copy($scope.copyItem); //doesn't work

My question is how can I reset the tablelist? When I click on resetBtn, it resets only the form in my modal window but the changes remain in the table list?! I cannot reset the resolve variable "selected".


There are 1 best solutions below


It could be a case pass by value|reference.
Read this Is JavaScript a pass-by-reference or pass-by-value language? .

It would be interesting to see how it works if you try to pass a function that reset the value instead.

One possible implementation


$ = function (item) {
    $scope.selectedItem = item;           
    modalService.openDialog($scope.namelist, function(e){
        if (e === undefined) {
            return $scope.selectedItem;
        } else {
            $scope.selectedItem = e;

Ctrl2 began :

testApp.controller('SecondCtrl', ['$scope', '$modalInstance', 'namedList', 'selected', 'reqService', '$http'..., function (...){
    /*copy of the original items*/
   $scope.copyItem = angular.copy(selected());

   $scope.cancel = function () {
      $scope.selected = angular.copy($scope.copyItem);

   $scope.reset = function () {
      $scope.selected = angular.copy($scope.copyItem);

Ok I know it's dirty but it's just to test the assumption.