Retrieving a list of choices for Digestive Functors from the database (Snap/Heist)

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I have an address form that handles both adding and editing (Nothing if adding, Just Address if editing). Up until now, I've had the state and country choices hard coded with a handful of items.

addressForm :: Monad m => Maybe Address -> [Address] -> Form Text m Address
addressForm a addrs = 
        <$> "id" .: choiceWith (addrToChoice addrs) (fmap id a)
        <*> "name" .: string (fmap name a)
        <*> "street" .: string (fmap street a)
        <*> "city" .: string (fmap city a)
        <*> "state" .: choiceWith stateChoices (fmap state a)
        <*> "country" .: choiceWith countryChoicesRequired (fmap country a)
        <*> "zipcode" .: string (fmap zipcode a)

stateChoices :: [(Text, (Maybe String, Text))] -- (htmlValue, (realValue, labelValue))
stateChoices = [("ON", (Just "ON", "Ontario")), ("NE", (Just "NE", "Nebraska"))]

countryChoicesRequired :: [(Text, (String, Text))]
countryChoicesRequired = [("CA", ("CA", "Canada")), ("US", ("US", "United States of America"))]

Now I would like to retrieve the list of states and countries from the database. I could just pass the list of states/countries to the form like I'm already doing with a list of addresses, but this form is also a subform of 3 or 4 other forms (new advertiser form, new client form, etc.) and I don't need the list of states/countries outside of the form like I do with the list of addresses.

Here's the new form where I've just added fetching the country information:

addressForm' :: (HasPostgres p, Monad m) => Maybe Address -> [Address] -> p (Form Text m Address)
addressForm' a addrs = do
    countries <- countryChoices'
    return $ Address
        <$> "id" .: choiceWith (addrToChoice addrs) (fmap id a)
        <*> "name" .: string (fmap name a)
        <*> "street" .: string (fmap street a)
        <*> "city" .: string (fmap city a)
        <*> "state" .: choiceWith stateChoices (fmap state a)
        <*> "country" .: choiceWith countries (fmap country a)
        <*> "zipcode" .: string (fmap zipcode a)

data Region = Region
    { code :: String
    , fullName :: String

countryChoices' :: HasPostgres m => m [(Text, (String, Text))]
countryChoices' = do
    countries <- getCountries
    return $ abbrToChoice countries

abbrToChoice :: [Region] -> [(Text, (String, Text))]
abbrToChoice regions =
    map (\ a -> ((pack $ code a), (code a, (pack $ fullName a)))) regions

Here's the handler that's calling it:

editAddressH :: ([(T.Text, Splice AppHandler)] -> AppHandler ()) -> Addr.Address -> Maybe Int64 -> AppHandler ()
editAddressH renderer a userId = do
    addresses <- Addr.list userId
    (view, result) <- runForm "form" $ Addr.addressForm' (Just a) addresses -- line 233
    case result of
        Just x -> do
            r <- Addr.edit x -- line 236
            case r of
                _ -> renderer [("success", showContents), ("dfForm", hideContents)]
        Nothing -> renderer $ ("success", hideContents) : ("addressList", addressScriptSplice addresses) : phoneSplices ++ digestiveSplices view

The error I get is this:

    No instance for (HasPostgres
                          (Handler App App) v0 (Handler App App)))
      arising from a use of `Addr.addressForm''
    Possible fix:
      add an instance declaration for
            (Handler App App) v0 (Handler App App)))
    In the second argument of `($)', namely
      `Addr.addressForm' (Just a) addresses'
    In a stmt of a 'do' expression:
        (view, result) <- runForm "form"
                        $ Addr.addressForm' (Just a) addresses
    In the expression:
      do { addresses <- Addr.list userId;
           (view, result) <- runForm "form"
                           $ Addr.addressForm' (Just a) addresses;
           case result of {
             Just x -> do { ... }
               -> renderer
                $   ("success", hideContents)
                  :   ("addressList", addressScriptSplice addresses)
                    :   phoneSplices ++ digestiveSplices view } }
    Couldn't match expected type `Addr.Address'
                with actual type `digestive-functors-
                                    m0 Text m0 Addr.Address'
    Expected type: Addr.Address
      Actual type: Form Text m0 Addr.Address
    In the first argument of `Addr.edit', namely `x'
    In a stmt of a 'do' expression: r <- Addr.edit x

There are 1 best solutions below


Looks like you need the monadic function. It might look something like this:

addressForm :: Monad m => Maybe Address -> [Address] -> Form Text m Address
addressForm a addrs = monadic $ do
    stateChoices <- getStatesFromDB
    countryChoices <- getCountriesFromDB
    return $
          <$> "id" .: choiceWith (addrToChoice addrs) (fmap id a)
          <*> "name" .: string (fmap name a)
          <*> "street" .: string (fmap street a)
          <*> "city" .: string (fmap city a)
          <*> "state" .: choiceWith stateChoices (fmap state a)
          <*> "country" .: choiceWith countryChoices (fmap country a)
          <*> "zipcode" .: string (fmap zipcode a)