Retrieving the PropertyDescriptor of a nested object

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I have the following code:

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()
        object o;
        Person p = new Person { FirstName = "John", Surname = "Henry" };
        Citizen c = new Citizen { Country = "Canada", ResidentName = p };
        SportsFan sf = new SportsFan { Sport = "Hockey", Fan = c };

        Discoverer<SportsFan>.SimpleExample("Sport", "Hockey",out o);
        Discoverer<SportsFan>.NestedProperyExample("Fan.Citizen.FirstName", "John",out o);

    private class Person
        public string FirstName
            get; set;

        public string Surname
            get; set;

    private class Citizen
        public Person ResidentName
            get; set;

        public string Country
            get; set;

    private class SportsFan
        public string Sport
            get; set;

        public Citizen Fan
            get; set;

    private class Discoverer<T>
        public static void SimpleExample(string propName, string objResultToString,out Object obj)
            PropertyDescriptor propDesc;
            propDesc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(T))[propName];               

            TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(propDesc.PropertyType);
            obj = converter.ConvertFromString(objResultToString);                   

        public static void NestedProperyExample(string propName, string objResultToString, out Object obj)
            PropertyDescriptor propDesc = null;
            obj = null;
            string[] nestedProperties = propName.Split(new char[] { '.' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            propDesc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties("Form1." + nestedProperties[0])[nestedProperties[1]];
            for (int i = 1; i < nestedProperties.Length - 1; i++)
                if (propDesc != null)
                    propDesc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(propDesc.GetType())[nestedProperties[i + 1]];

            if (propDesc != null)
                TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(propDesc.PropertyType);
                obj = converter.ConvertFromString(objResultToString);



The code works for the simpleExample. On the NestedPropertyExample, the first assignment to PropDesc returns null. When I check TypeDescriptor.GetProperties("Form1." + nestedProperties[0]), it returns a PropertyDescriptorCollection of one item and that is Length.

Why am I not returning more PropertyDesriptor items? Am I going about this the correct way?

Thanks, Bill N


There are 1 best solutions below


The NestedProperyExample method is misspelled a bit, but don't mind -- it's not the problem (: Actually, the problem might be, that NestedProperyExample method calls the TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Object) overload, passing it some string ("Form1." + nestedProperties[0]). As per docs (MSDN), it acts very much like just TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(string)). string's got only one simple property, its Length, -- and that's why TypeDescriptor.GetProperties does not return any more PropertyDescriptor items.

This answers your direct question, but your intentions are unclear to me. May be if you could rephrase your question and state clear what you're trying to accomplish with this code, you'll likely get a better answer.