Retrofit - Clarification on how to write with Retrofit

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API Interface

public interface YourUsersApi {
   public void getName(@Path("name") String user, Callback<pojo> response);

   public void getName(@Path("gender") String user, Callback<pojo> response);


RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()
YourUsersApi yourUsersApi = restAdapter.create(YourUsersApi.class);

If I want to acces "", I would add this code into MainActivity:

            git.getPlaces(KEY, new Callback<pojo>() {
                public void success(pojo pojo, Response response) {
                    Log.d("test1", "success");

                public void failure(RetrofitError error) {
                    Log.d("test1", error.toString());

Two problems arise though:

  1. How would I do it if I want to acces ""? do I need to concatenate the interface methods together or some sort?

  2. Is there a much efficient way to write the interface methods? I feel like creating an anonymous class for each one is inefficient.


There are 1 best solutions below


There are multiple ways we can use retrofit. If you do not want to use anonymous class so you can also follow below code.

API Interface

public Pojo GetName (@Path ("name") String user);

final Pojo pojo = git.getPlaces(KEY);

For this you can get more idea about it from this link :