Returning to root on a SwiftUI NavigationStack from another view

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I'm having the hardest time figuring out NavigationStacks in SwiftUI. I have a MVP example below from Apple's documentation on NavigationStack. What I would like to do is have a button that would all me to pop all the way back to the root if I select it instead of having to hit the back button a bunch of times if I'm multiple pages into it.

Can you please show me how to do this or tell me what I'm not understanding about the NavigationStack framework?

import SwiftUI

// Pushable stack
struct PushableStack: View {
    @State  var path: [Recipe] = []
    @StateObject  var dataModel = DataModel()

    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack(path: $path) {
            List(Category.allCases) { category in
                Section(category.localizedName) {
                    ForEach( category)) { recipe in
                        NavigationLink(, value: recipe)
            .navigationDestination(for: Recipe.self) { recipe in
                RecipeDetail(recipe: recipe)

// Helpers for code example
struct RecipeDetail: View {
    @EnvironmentObject private var dataModel: DataModel
    var recipe: Recipe

    var body: some View {
        Text("Recipe details go here")
        ForEach(recipe.related.compactMap { dataModel[$0] }) { related in
            NavigationLink(, value: related)
        // I would like to have a Button here
//        Button(action: {
//            Go all the way back to the root
//        }) {
//            Text("Dummy Value 1")
//        }

class DataModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var recipes: [Recipe] = builtInRecipes

    func recipes(in category: Category?) -> [Recipe] {
            .filter { $0.category == category }
            .sorted { $ < $ }

    subscript(recipeId: Recipe.ID) -> Recipe? {
        // A real app would want to maintain an index from identifiers to
        // recipes.
        recipes.first { recipe in
   == recipeId

enum Category: Int, Hashable, CaseIterable, Identifiable, Codable {
    case dessert
    case pancake
    case salad
    case sandwich

    var id: Int { rawValue }

    var localizedName: LocalizedStringKey {
        switch self {
        case .dessert:
            return "Dessert"
        case .pancake:
            return "Pancake"
        case .salad:
            return "Salad"
        case .sandwich:
            return "Sandwich"

struct Recipe: Hashable, Identifiable {
    let id = UUID()
    var name: String
    var category: Category
    var ingredients: [Ingredient]
    var related: [Recipe.ID] = []
    var imageName: String? = nil

struct Ingredient: Hashable, Identifiable {
    let id = UUID()
    var description: String

    static func fromLines(_ lines: String) -> [Ingredient] {
        lines.split(separator: "\n", omittingEmptySubsequences: true)
            .map { Ingredient(description: String($0)) }

let builtInRecipes: [Recipe] = {
    var recipes = [
        "Apple Pie": Recipe(
            name: "Apple Pie", category: .dessert,
            ingredients: Ingredient.fromLines(applePie)),
        "Baklava": Recipe(
            name: "Baklava", category: .dessert,
            ingredients: []),
        "Bolo de Rolo": Recipe(
            name: "Bolo de rolo", category: .dessert,
            ingredients: []),
        "Chocolate Crackles": Recipe(
            name: "Chocolate crackles", category: .dessert,
            ingredients: []),
        "Crème Brûlée": Recipe(
            name: "Crème brûlée", category: .dessert,
            ingredients: []),
        "Fruit Pie Filling": Recipe(
            name: "Fruit Pie Filling", category: .dessert,
            ingredients: []),
        "Kanom Thong Ek": Recipe(
            name: "Kanom Thong Ek", category: .dessert,
            ingredients: []),
        "Mochi": Recipe(
            name: "Mochi", category: .dessert,
            ingredients: []),
        "Marzipan": Recipe(
            name: "Marzipan", category: .dessert,
            ingredients: []),
        "Pie Crust": Recipe(
            name: "Pie Crust", category: .dessert,
            ingredients: Ingredient.fromLines(pieCrust)),
        "Shortbread Biscuits": Recipe(
            name: "Shortbread Biscuits", category: .dessert,
            ingredients: []),
        "Tiramisu": Recipe(
            name: "Tiramisu", category: .dessert,
            ingredients: []),
        "Crêpe": Recipe(
            name: "Crêpe", category: .pancake, ingredients: []),
        "Jianbing": Recipe(
            name: "Jianbing", category: .pancake, ingredients: []),
        "American": Recipe(
            name: "American", category: .pancake, ingredients: []),
        "Dosa": Recipe(
            name: "Dosa", category: .pancake, ingredients: []),
        "Injera": Recipe(
            name: "Injera", category: .pancake, ingredients: []),
        "Acar": Recipe(
            name: "Acar", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
        "Ambrosia": Recipe(
            name: "Ambrosia", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
        "Bok l'hong": Recipe(
            name: "Bok l'hong", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
        "Caprese": Recipe(
            name: "Caprese", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
        "Ceviche": Recipe(
            name: "Ceviche", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
        "Çoban salatası": Recipe(
            name: "Çoban salatası", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
        "Fiambre": Recipe(
            name: "Fiambre", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
        "Kachumbari": Recipe(
            name: "Kachumbari", category: .salad, ingredients: []),
        "Niçoise": Recipe(
            name: "Niçoise", category: .salad, ingredients: []),

    recipes["Apple Pie"]!.related = [
        recipes["Pie Crust"]!.id,
        recipes["Fruit Pie Filling"]!.id,

    recipes["Pie Crust"]!.related = [recipes["Fruit Pie Filling"]!.id]
    recipes["Fruit Pie Filling"]!.related = [recipes["Pie Crust"]!.id]

    return Array(recipes.values)

let applePie = """
    ¾ cup white sugar
    2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
    ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
    ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
    ½ teaspoon lemon zest
    7 cups thinly sliced apples
    2 teaspoons lemon juice
    1 tablespoon butter
    1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch double crust pie
    4 tablespoons milk

let pieCrust = """
    2 ½ cups all purpose flour
    1 Tbsp. powdered sugar
    1 tsp. sea salt
    ½ cup shortening
    ½ cup butter (Cold, Cut Into Small Pieces)
    ⅓ cup cold water (Plus More As Needed)

struct PushableStack_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

There are 1 best solutions below


You could try this approach, passing path as a Binding and setting it to [], to go back to the root (Categories) view.

 struct RecipeDetail: View {
     @Binding var path: [Recipe]  // <--- here
     @EnvironmentObject private var dataModel: DataModel
     var recipe: Recipe

     var body: some View {
         Text("Recipe details go here")
         ForEach(recipe.related.compactMap { dataModel[$0] }) { related in
             NavigationLink(, value: related)
         // I would like to have a Button here
         Button(action: {
             // Go all the way back to the root
             path = []  // <--- here
         }) {
             Text("Go back to Categories")

and call

   RecipeDetail(path: $path, recipe: recipe)