Reuse Natvis STL visualization fields in custom visualization

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When writing custom Natvis visualizations for Visual Studio, (how) can I access fields of a lambda wrapped in a std::function?

Concrete example

I have a class looks somewhat like this (very simplified):

class VariableVector {
  // Constructor for returning values from captured vector
  Variable(const std::vector<double>& values)
    : m_valueGetter{[&values](int index) { return values[index]; }}
  // Constructor for always returning a constant value
  Variable(double value)
    : m_valueGetter{[value](int index) { return value; }}

  double operator[](int index) {
    return m_valueGetter(index);
  std::function<double(int)> m_valueGetter;

It uses a std::function to hide different implementations for how to get the values.

I now would like to display the values in the debugger using a custom .natvis file. As function calls are not allowed, I need to access the variables captured in the lambdas. How can I do that? This is the closest I could get:

<Type Name="VariableVector">

It shows me e.g. {value: 42} in the debugger. In the raw view, this element has a _Callee member which has the value field. However,

<Type Name="VariableVector">

already gives me an error.

If it's nothing too major, I could also change the structor of my VariableVector, but I need the type erasure...


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