Role based authorisation in Angular Js

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I am working on a project that requires multiple roles for which I'm using I need to work with different set of permissions on each of these roles. For example, role admin can have permissions ->PageView, PageEdit, PageCreate, while the role viewer has permissions->PageView only.

The roles associated with each user are stored in the database, I am planning to use the transition objects function to ensure what role is associated with what user.

I am new to angular and can't figure out a way to define a role such that I can, 1. Link multiple permissions with it, 2. Associate it with transition properties (dynamic function).


There are 1 best solutions below


For Role based authorization, you have to manage your app.config and files. Simply apply the following settings :

In app.config file:

   $routeProvider.when( '/', {
        templateUrl: 'views/dashboard.html',
        resolve: {
            "currentAuth": [ "authService", function( authService ) {
                var auth = authService.auth();
                return auth;
    }); [ authService, function(authService) {

        if (role === "admin") {
           // Use changeSuccess method on route to redirect.

} ] );

And In authService fetch the roles from database. In authservice add method:

function functionName(user){
if (user) {
    if (!!~this.roles.indexOf('*')) {
        return true;
    } else {
        for (var userRoleIndex in user.roles) {
            for (var roleIndex in this.roles) {
                if (this.roles[roleIndex] === user.roles[userRoleIndex]) {
                    return true;
} else {
    return this;
return false;
