RoslynCodeAnalysisService exception when coding

309 Views Asked by At

While using VisualStudio 2019 with my own source generator. I'm having an exception inside visual studio and it prompts me to open a debugger.

This only happens while coding and not while building (which make me thinks that my source generators is fine).

When trying to debug I see a blank page and call stack does not have any informations.

I know it must be linked to my generator but I don't know how. Any tips on how to debug would be greatly appreciated.

Full source code is available here :

    public class StrongTypeIdGenerator : ISourceGenerator
        Template template;

        public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context)
            var file = "StrongTypeId.sbntxt";
            template = Template.Parse(EmbeddedResource.GetContent(file), file);

            context.RegisterForSyntaxNotifications(() => new StrongTypeIdReceiver());

        private string GenerateStrongTypeId(string @namespace, string className)
            var model = new
                Namespace = @namespace,
                ClassName = className,

            // apply the template
            var output = template.Render(model, member => member.Name);

            return output;

        public bool IsStrongTypeId(INamedTypeSymbol recordSymbol)
            var strongTypeIdType = typeof(StrongTypeId<>);
            var originalBaseTypeDef = recordSymbol.BaseType.OriginalDefinition;
            var baseTypeAssembly = originalBaseTypeDef.ContainingAssembly;

            var isSameAssembly = baseTypeAssembly.ToDisplayString() == strongTypeIdType.Assembly.FullName;
            var isSameTypeName = strongTypeIdType.Name == originalBaseTypeDef.MetadataName;

            return isSameAssembly && isSameTypeName;

        public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)
            if (context.SyntaxReceiver is not StrongTypeIdReceiver receiver)

            foreach (var rds in receiver.RecordDeclarations)
                var model = context.Compilation.GetSemanticModel(rds.SyntaxTree);

                if (model.GetDeclaredSymbol(rds) is not INamedTypeSymbol recordSymbol)

                if (!IsStrongTypeId(recordSymbol))

                var ns = recordSymbol.ContainingNamespace.ToDisplayString();
                var output = GenerateStrongTypeId(ns, recordSymbol.Name);

                // add the file
                context.AddSource($"{recordSymbol.Name}.generated.cs", SourceText.From(output, Encoding.UTF8));

        private class StrongTypeIdReceiver : ISyntaxReceiver
            public StrongTypeIdReceiver()
                RecordDeclarations = new();

            public List<RecordDeclarationSyntax> RecordDeclarations { get; private set; }

            public void OnVisitSyntaxNode(SyntaxNode syntaxNode)
                if (syntaxNode is RecordDeclarationSyntax rds &&
                    rds.BaseList is not null)

There are 1 best solutions below


RoslynCodeAnalysisService has an aggresive caching strategy and was holding previous source generator in memory. Restarting visual studio did the tricks