Ruby webscrape script for GoDaddy

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I'm new to Ruby and for my first scripting assignment, I've been asked to write a web scraping script to grab elements of our DNS listings from GoDaddy.

Having issues with scraping the links and then I need to follow the links. I need to get the link from the "GoToSecondaryDNS" js element below. I'm using Mechanize and Nokogiri:

<td class="listCellBorder" align="left" style="width:170px;">
          <div style="padding-left:4px;">
            <div id="gvZones21divDynamicDNS"></div>
            <div id="gvZones21divMasterSlave" cicode="41022" onclick="GoToSecondaryDNS('',0)" class="listFeatureButton secondaryDNSNoPremium" onmouseover="ShowSecondaryDNSAd(this, event);" onmouseout="HideAdInList(event);"></div>
            <div id="gvZones21divDNSSec" cicode="41023" class="listFeatureButton DNSSECButtonNoPremium" onmouseover="ShowDNSSecAd(this, event);" onmouseout="HideAdInList(event);" onclick="UpgradeLinkActionByID('gvZones21divDNSSec'); return false;" useClick="true" clickObj="aDNSSecUpgradeClicker"></div>
            <div id="gvZones21divVanityNS" onclick="GoToVanityNS('',0)" class="listFeatureButton vanityNameserversNoPremium" onmouseover="ShowVanityNSAd(this, event);" onmouseout="HideAdInList(event);"></div>
            <div style="clear:both;"></div>

How can I scrape the link '' and then interact with the onclick to follow the link and scrape content on the following page with Ruby?

So far, I have a simple start to the code:

require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
require 'open-uri'

def get_godaddy_data(url)

      web_agent =

      result = nil

      ### login to GoDaddy admin

      page = web_agent.get('')

      ## there is only one form and it is the first form on thepage
      form = page.forms.first
      form.username = 'blank'
      form.password = 'blank'

      ## form.submit
      web_agent.submit(form, form.buttons.first)

     site_name = page.css('div.gvZones21divMasterSlave onclick td')  
      ### export dns zone data

      page = web_agent.get('' + site_name + '&zoneType=0&refer=dcc')
      form = page.forms[3]
      web_agent.submit(form, form.buttons.first).save( + 'scrape.txt')

       ## end


    ### read export file
    ##return + 'scrape.txt', 'rb') { |file| }

  def scrape_dns(url)

  site_name = page.css('div.gvZones21divMasterSlave onclick td') 
  LIST_URL = "" + site_name + '&zoneType=0&refer=dcc"
  page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(LIST_URL))

#not sure how to scrape onclick urls and then how to click through to continue scraping on the second page for each individual DNS


There are 1 best solutions below


You can't interact with "onclick" because Nokogiri isn't a JavaScript engine.

You can extract the contents and then use that as the URL for a subsequent web request. Assuming doc contains the parsed HTML:'div[onclick^="GoToSecondaryDNS"]')['onclick']

will give you the value for the onclick parameter. ^= means "find the word starting with", so that lets us rule out other <div> tags with onclick parameters and returns:


Using a simple regex [/'(.+)'/,1] will get you the hostname:'div[onclick^="GoToSecondaryDNS"]')['onclick'][/'(.+)'/,1]
=> ""

The rest, such as how to get access to Mechanize's internal Nokogiri document, and how to create the new URL, are left for you to figure out.