Run all tests in same thread NUnit

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I have some tests that do some write-operation on a database. I know that´s not really unit-testing, but let´s leave that asside.

In order to enable every test to work on a clean workspace, I rollback all transactions doe so far. However I randomly get concurrency-errors due to database-locks that cannot be established.

This is my code:


class MyTest1
    public void SetupFixture()
        myworkspace.StartEditing(); // this will establish a lock on the underlying database
    public void TearDownFixture()

The same code also exists within another test-assembly, let's name it Test2.dll. Now when I use the nunit-console-runner using nunit3-console Test1.dll Test2.dll, I get the following error:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException : Table 'GDB_DatabaseLocks' cannot be locked; it is currently used by user 'ADMIN' (this is me) on host 'MyHost' at ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IWorkspaceEdit.StartEditing(Boolean withUndoRedo)

myWorkspace is a COM-object (Arcobjects-interface IWorkspace) that relates to an MS-Access-Database. I assume this is because nunit creates multiple threads that enter the above code at the same time. So I added the NonParalizable-attribute to both assemblies without success. I also tried to add Apartment(ApartmentState.STA) to my assembly in order to execute everything in a single thread, which resulted in the console never finishing.

What drives me nuts is that running my tests using ReSahrpers test-runner works perfectly. However I have no clue how ReSharper starts nunit. It seems ReSharper does not use nunit-console, but the nunit-API instead.

Is there another way to force all my tests to run in a single thread? I use nunit3.10 and ArcGIS 10.8.


There are 1 best solutions below


By default, the NUnit Console will run multiple test assemblies in parallel. Add --agents=1 to force the two assemblies to run sequentially, under a single agent.

Just to clarify some of the other things you tried as well...

[NonParallelizable] is used to prevent the parallelization of different tests within a single assembly. By default, tests within an assembly do not run in parallel, so adding this attribute when you haven't specifically added [Parallelizable] at a higher level will have no effect.

[Apartments(Apartment.STA)] can be added as an assembly-level attribute, and does not have to be added per test, as mentioned in the comments. Check out the docs here: