Run multiple DNS servers with pi-hole and docker

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I have a Unifi Home Setup with multiple Wifi Networks set up and a RaspberryPi with Arch to take care of DNS filtering.


I want to run multiple DNS Servers on the Raspberry Pi and direct the different Wifis to different DNS. To this end I need different IP addresses for different DNS containers.

What I have done so far

After trying systemd and a couple of different docker solutions, I have settled on using Pi-Hole in combination with cloudflared.

Running multiple pi-holes is not a problem with docker-compose, but I know far too little about proper (docker) networking to figure out how to get different, network reachable ip-addresses to different containers.

Here is the docker-compose file for one set of cloudflare + pi-hole:

version: "3.5"
    container_name: cloudflared_workday
    image: crazymax/cloudflared:latest
      - "5053:5053/udp"
      - "49312:49312/tcp"
      - "TZ=Europe/Berlin"
    restart: always

    container_name: pihole_workday
    image: pihole/pihole:latest
      - cloudflared_workday
    network_mode: host
      TZ: 'Europe/Berlin'
      WEBPASSWORD: 'password'
      DNS1: ''
      DNS2: 'no'
      ServerIP: ''
    # Volumes store your data between container upgrades
      - './pihole_workday/pihole/etc-pihole/:/etc/pihole/'
      - './pihole_workday/pihole/etc-dnsmasq.d/:/etc/dnsmasq.d/'
    restart: always

Where is the ip given to the RaspberryPi.

I can only specify an IP for a DNS in my router, not different ports that I could remap for the containers.

PS.: I know the password is not ideal, but that's a problem for another day :D


How do I run a duplicate of this setup on the same machine without the two DNS getting into each others' way and how do I reach the separate pi-holes with different IPs?

Edit 1

I found that there is something called macvlan in docker linking docker containers directly to the network. This seems to also work with pi-hole (macvlan + pi-hole), only that I haven't succeeded yet. Does anyone see a conceptual issue with this approach?


There are 1 best solutions below


First timer here and bad english.

I struggled for whole two weeks with this, but finnaly managed to run multiple instances of Pi-hole with docker and macvlan.

My TEST hardware Orange pi PC 512mb, 16gb sd card. OS: Armbian 21.02.2 Buster with Linux 5.10.16-sunxi

i am running dockers on separate vlan.

create docker VLAN:

docker network create -d macvlan  \
--subnet= \
--ip-range= \
--gateway= \
-o macvlan_mode=bridge \
-o parent=eth0.10 macvlan10

-o macvlan_mode=bridge \ this part is wery important if container need acces to internet, gave me gray hair to find this out, but not necesary if container dont need internet, works for LANtoLAN. --ip-range= \ not neccesary.


Create folder: /home/pihole/ - or folder at your choise. Create file inside folder: sudo nano docker-compose.yml insert: - its just my working sample, you can use yours.

  version: "3.6"
  container_name: Pi-Hole
  hostname: pihole
  privileged: true
  image: pihole/pihole:latest
    - "53:53/tcp"
    - "53:53/udp"
    - "80:80/tcp"
    - "443:443/tcp"
    ServerIP: ''
    TZ: 'Europe/London'
    WEBPASSWORD: '1234'
    PIHOLE_DNS_: ''
    WEBTHEME: 'default-dark2'
    - './etc-pihole/:/etc/pihole/'
    - './etc-dnsmasq.d/:/etc/dnsmasq.d/'
  restart: unless-stopped
        name: macvlan10

run sudo docker-compose up -d in folder "pihole". Should be any errors

if you will have some database WRITE error in Pihole GUI. run sudo chown -R www-data:pihole /home/pihole, not in container.

if you need another instance... create folder /home/piholeGuest or /home/piholeIOT or folder with any name and copy previuos docker-compose.yml file. Change Container_name, ServerIP, ipv4_address and password, leave ports as they are, because is using different IP an container name, so no PORT conflict.

Its like running baremetal instances with own IPs :)

As i read, there is some limit to mac addreses per LAN port, but i am not sure how, i run 4 instances on Rock64 2gb, works fine and fast.

You will not see IPs in your router/FW, but firewall rules and other stuff will work fine, you just need to remember IP, i have pfSense.

Files are preserved if you upgrade docker container.

I dont run Pihole baremetal, all in docker containers.

Works for me yust fine, my approach :)

I am not PRO in anymean, just share my expirience.

Sorry for confused guied, i am not good at explaining.

Hope some my info will help you to finnish your goal.