Run Time Argumnets in PCF

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In order to run the application in my local, i need to provide some VM arguments(basically file path, where it is located). In similar way in PCF also I have to provide those arguments.

currently I am keeping in application.yml file like below.

      conf: /home/vcap/app/BOOT-INF/classes/nonprod_jaas.conf

      conf: /home/vcap/app/BOOT-INF/classes/krb5.conf

      conf: /home/vcap/app/BOOT-INF/classes/kafka_client_truststore.jks   

When I deploy the application in PCF, will these files will be read from that location.

Basically I want to know this is correct way or not to provide the arguments in PCF.

how to check whether the file is present in that location, /home/vcap/app/BOOT-INF/classes/


There are 1 best solutions below


You need to ssh into the container to check the location of the file.

cf ssh appname

In spring, @Value enables the use of the classpath: prefix to resolve the classpath (see this link) It means you need to set this programmatically not via the variables in yml. Then you don't need to provide the path the way you are doing.

Also classpath: is a Spring specific convention, the JVM doesn't understand it which means you cannot use it directly in application.yml file. If you need to set in yml or as environment variable - you need to give it a full or relative path. On PCF, you can use /app or /home/vcap/app (the former is a symlink to the latter) as the path to the root of your application.