Save 'Username' as Filename

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I wonder whether someone could help me please.

I'm using Image Uploader from Aurigma, and to save the uploaded images, I've put this script together.


//This variable specifies relative path to the folder, where the gallery with uploaded files is located.
//Do not forget about the slash in the end of the folder name.
$galleryPath = 'UploadedFiles/';

require_once 'Includes/gallery_helper.php';

require_once 'ImageUploaderPHP/UploadHandler.class.php';

 * FileUploaded callback function
 * @param $uploadedFile UploadedFile
function onFileUploaded($uploadedFile) {

  $packageFields = $uploadedFile->getPackage()->getPackageFields();
  $userid = $packageFields["userid"];
  $locationid= $packageFields["locationid"];

  global $galleryPath;

  $absGalleryPath = realpath($galleryPath) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
  $absThumbnailsPath = $absGalleryPath . 'Thumbnails' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

  if ($uploadedFile->getPackage()->getPackageIndex() == 0 && $uploadedFile->getIndex() == 0) {
    initGallery($absGalleryPath, $absThumbnailsPath, FALSE);

  $dirName = $_POST['folder'];
  $dirName = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\-\.()\[\]{}]/i', '_', $dirName);
  if (!is_dir($absGalleryPath . $dirName)) {
    mkdir($absGalleryPath . $dirName, 0777);

  $path = rtrim($dirName, '/\\') . '/';

  $originalFileName = $uploadedFile->getSourceName();

  $files = $uploadedFile->getConvertedFiles();

  // save converter 1

  $sourceFileName = getSafeFileName($absGalleryPath, $originalFileName);
  $sourceFile = $files[0];
  /* @var $sourceFile ConvertedFile */
  if ($sourceFile) {
    $sourceFile->moveTo($absGalleryPath . $sourceFileName);

  // save converter 2   

  $thumbnailFileName = getSafeFileName($absThumbnailsPath, $originalFileName);
  $thumbnailFile = $files[1];
  /* @var $thumbnailFile ConvertedFile */
  if ($thumbnailFile) {
    $thumbnailFile->moveTo($absThumbnailsPath . $thumbnailFileName);

  //Load XML file which will keep information about files (image dimensions, description, etc).
  //XML is used solely for brevity. In real-life application most likely you will use database instead.
  $descriptions = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
  $descriptions->load($absGalleryPath . 'files.xml');

  //Save file info.
  $xmlFile = $descriptions->createElement('file');
  $xmlFile->setAttribute('name', $_POST['folder'] . '/' . $originalFileName);
  $xmlFile->setAttribute('source', $sourceFileName);
  $xmlFile->setAttribute('size', $uploadedFile->getSourceSize());
  $xmlFile->setAttribute('originalname', $originalFileName);
  $xmlFile->setAttribute('thumbnail', $thumbnailFileName);
  $xmlFile->setAttribute('description', $uploadedFile->getDescription());
  //Add additional fields
  $xmlFile->setAttribute('userid', $userid);
  $xmlFile->setAttribute('locationid', $locationid);
  $xmlFile->setAttribute('folder', $dirName);
  $descriptions->save($absGalleryPath . 'files.xml');

$uh = new UploadHandler();

What I'd like to do is replace the files element of the filename and replace it with the username, so each saved folder and associated files can be indentified to each user.

I've added a username text field to the form which this script saves from

I think I'm right in saying that this is line that needs to change $descriptions->save($absGalleryPath . 'files.xml');.

So amongst many attempts I've tried changing this to $descriptions->save($absGalleryPath . '$username.xml, $descriptions->save($absGalleryPath . $username '.xml, but none of these have worked, so I'm not quite sure what I need to change.

I just wondered whether someone could perhaps have a look at this please and let me know where I'm going wrong.

Many thanks


There are 1 best solutions below


'$username.xml' will be interpreted as $username.xml, you need to use "$username.xml". Single quotes "disable" the variable use inside strings.

What you are tryiing can be a bad idea, as you are making so a username can't contain 'special characters' like "/". Perhaps is not a problem if you aready have a rule that stop "/" being part of a username.