Savitzky-Golay Filter parameters for visualizing corresponding velocity profile

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I have some Gaze position data(in pixels) that I have smoothened using a Savitzky-Golay filter with a first difference method. I intend to visualize the velocity of this eye data in order for further saccadic analysis of the eye data. Here's my code for the following :

x_smooth = savgol_filter(y2_int, window_length=251, polyorder=5, mode='nearest',deriv=1,delta=x_int[1] - x_int[0])
difference_x_gaze_internal = abs(np.diff(y2_int_smooth))

velocity_x_gaze_internal = difference_x_gaze_internal * 100
x_int_smooth = np.linspace(start_int, stop_int, 1953)

plt.plot(x_int, velocity_x_gaze_internal)
plt.plot(x_int_smooth, y2_int_smooth, linewidth=3)

I have a large amount of eye data with a 100 Hz sampling rate, on plotting the corresponding velocity of the position data, I am getting a plot like this : Velocity+Postion plot

I don't think this is correct, because there are way too many peaks and changes in the velocity plot, even though it is supposed to me constant in certain fixation there something I should change in the filtering parameters? What should be the window length and polynomial order that I should consider taking?


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