Scala: SeqT monad transformer?

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If we have such two functions...

def findUserById(id: Long): Future[Option[User]] = ???
def findAddressByUser(user: User): Future[Option[Address]] = ???

...then we are able to use cats OptionT monad transformer to write for-comprehension with them easily:

for {
  user    <- OptionT(findUserById(id))
  address <- OptionT(findAddressByUser(user))
} ...

I'd like to compose future of sequences this way, like this:

def findUsersBySomeField(value: FieldValue): Future[Seq[User]] = ???
def findAddressesByUser(user: User): Future[Seq[Address]] = ???

for {
  user    <- SeqT(findUsersBySomeField(value))
  address <- SeqT(findAddressesByUser(user))
} ...

But I can't find any SeqT implementation in Cats or Scalaz. Does some implementation of such monad transformer exist or I need to write monad transformer myself? Not that it too hard, just don't want to reinvent the wheel.

(example at the beginning of my question is brought from this article)


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Cats, as of 1.0.0-MF have nothing of sorts. That is explained at their FAQ:

A naive implementation of ListT suffers from associativity issues; see this gist for an example. It's possible to create a ListT that doesn't have these issues, but it tends to be pretty inefficient. For many use-cases, Nested can be used to achieve the desired results.

Scalaz, as of 7.2.15 has StreamT and ListT, although the latter has associativity issues.