Scala Visbility rules question over package scope trait with example taken from cats internal

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In the cats library we have in the package cats.instances

in function.class

trait FunctionInstances extends cats.kernel.instances.FunctionInstances with Function0Instances with Function1Instances


sealed private[instances] trait Function1Instances extends Function1Instances0 {
  implicit def catsStdContravariantMonoidalForFunction1[R: Monoid]: ContravariantMonoidal[* => R] =
    new ContravariantMonoidal[* => R] {
      def unit: Unit => R = Function.const(Monoid[R].empty)
      def contramap[A, B](fa: A => R)(f: B => A): B => R =
      def product[A, B](fa: A => R, fb: B => R): ((A, B)) => R = {
        case (a, b) => Monoid[R].combine(fa(a), fb(b))

  implicit def catsStdMonadForFunction1[T1]: Monad[T1 => *] =
    new Monad[T1 => *] {
      def pure[R](r: R): T1 => R = _ => r

      def flatMap[R1, R2](fa: T1 => R1)(f: R1 => T1 => R2): T1 => R2 =
        t => f(fa(t))(t)

      override def map[R1, R2](fa: T1 => R1)(f: R1 => R2): T1 => R2 =

and we can see

sealed private[instances] trait Function1Instances which makes its member only visible in the package Instance

In the Package Object Instances in the package cats, we have:

package object instances {



object function extends FunctionInstances with FunctionInstancesBinCompat0



Then in the Invariant.class in cats package, we have:

object Invariant extends ScalaVersionSpecificInvariantInstances with InvariantInstances0 {

implicit def catsMonadForFunction1[I]: Monad[I => *] = cats.instances.function.catsStdMonadForFunction1[I]


I wonder how catsStdMonadForFunction1[I] is visible to Invariant. I thought could only be visble from package instances including the associated package object instances.

So the object function can see and call catsStdMonadForFunction1[I] because it implements the trait and the visibility is scope to package instances . But for I don't understand why Invariant can see that method.

Can someone explain that visbility rule applied here ?


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