Seaborn jointplot kde not functionning on Jupyter

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I am trying to use a seaborn jointplot with kind="kde", but it doesn't work. I am on Jupyter with Python 3. Seaborn is version 0.11.1.

Here is my code :

sns.jointplot(data=test_df, x = "skew", y = "vol", hue="periode", kind="kde")  

Here is the error message :

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-204-ca814b4a75a6> in <module>
>     15 
>     16 
>---> 17 sns.jointplot(data=test_df, x = "skew", y = "vol", hue="periode", kind="kde")
>     18 
>     19 
>~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\seaborn\ in jointplot(x, y, data, kind, stat_func, color, >height, ratio, space, dropna, xlim, ylim, joint_kws, marginal_kws, annot_kws, **kwargs)>

>NameError: name 'kdeplot' is not defined

I don't understand the problem, as my code seems to match the example on the Seaborn website and I have the latest version of Seaborn.


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