Serve HLS with raspap/lighttpd rather than nginx

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I currently serve audio/video from a raspberry pi using the picam project along with nginx to stream it as an HLS (Http Live Streaming) stream (as detailed in the project page). Thus, in /etc/nginx/sites-available/default I add:

location /hls/ {
        root /run/shm;

Then, I can access my stream (for example with VLC player) at http://mypi.local/hls/index.m3u8.

However, I no longer wish to rely on my internet box to stream. Indeed, I would like my client(s) to directly connect to the pi. Thus, I have recently tried Raspap to transform my raspberry pi to a hotspot.

However, as raspap seems to use lighttpd as its webserver, I am wondering how I can still stream my audio/video stream as it is currently done with picam and nginx.


There are 1 best solutions below

server.modules += ("mod_alias")
alias.url = ( "/hls/" => "/run/shm/" )