Set Multi Tenant in Active Admin Controllers (required for Searchkick index)

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I am using Active Admin in my multi tenant app. I also use Searchkick which has a custom tenant specific index in each model:

class Budget < ApplicationRecord

  multi_tenant :company

  searchkick inheritance: true,index_name: -> { [MultiTenant.current_tenant.tenant_name, model_name.plural, Rails.env].join('_') }


The issue is that in AA this logic fails because on the tenant is set. I want to be able to set this in AA when updating a record.

For example I would update http://localhost:4000/admin/budgets/dt2kqvgm where dt2kqvgm is the Friendly ID of the record. So I want to call something like:

MultiTenant.current_tenant = Budget.friendly.find(params['budget']['company_id'])

when I create / update a record etc.

Currently I get:

undefined method `tenant_name' for nil:NilClass

because in my application controller the tenant is set based on the user authentication to scope the current company etc. In AA I want/ need to set this based on the params which it seems you can't access from the AA controller logic. My params look like this in AA:

{"utf8"=>"✓", "_method"=>"patch", "authenticity_token"=>"PrhNGnPvV1Qfb5RCwTVv4Wwz9tjf9SFy2VWDcyJXoFLytM8y5ZAyF7h8I7xa+fy01E9Fc/v2CvR52I4/LKOLHQ==", "budget"=>{"company_id"=>"9", "name"=>"qweqwe", "description"=>"qweqwe", "notes"=>"qwee", "flag_active"=>"1", "slug"=>"dt2kqvgm", "title"=>"qweqwe"}, "commit"=>"Update Budget", "controller"=>"admin/budgets", "action"=>"update", "id"=>"dt2kqvgm"}

There are 1 best solutions below


I don't know if this is the best way to do this but it works. I am know it needs tweaks but it's a start - you needs to:

  1. set an around_action filter
  2. add permitted_params
around_action :set_tenant, only: :update

controller do

  def set_tenant
    MultiTenant.with(Company.find(resource.company_id)) do

  def permitted_params
    params.permit location: %[ company_id ]


It would seem this is required for each controller. Perhaps there is a way to add this as a default AA filter?

I also added the filter to just the update action.