Set up Reversed Proxy in Internet Information Service to reach Webbrowser on a PLC from WinCC Unified

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i need to set up a reversed proxy to reach a Webbrowser of a PLC (Win CC Unified). The problem is that im not able to change Server header rules for "X-Frame". I found a lot ot tutorials but i was not able to set up the reverse proxy correctly.

Thats the link to the webbrowser:

  1. Add new Site to IIS
  2. Typ https and choose SSL Certificate
  3. Change Port to 4434 because 443 already taken
  4. URL Rewrite -> add Rule -> Reversed Proxy
  5. Add link
  6. Rewrite the domain names of the links in HTTP repones
  7. add name of the pc (in my case M1234) at To:

Now i think it should be possible to reach Webserver with the folloing link: https://m1234:4434

But its not working. Can someone give me a hint? I get following error msg:

HTTP-Fehler 502.3 - Bad Gateway The server name or address could not be resolved Error code: 0x80072ee7

Im a totaly beginner so please give me answers on a beginner level.

If you know an easier way to work around missing X-Frame rules, i would really like to hear about it.



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