Shared resource single thread writing, multiple thread reading using interlock

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I'm trying to implement single thread writing, multiple thread reading mechanism for shared resource management using interlock in C++, windows environment.

Q1. The result code seems to work as what I intend, but I'd like to ask for your wisdom if I am missing something.

Q2. If there is a real life or good active open source code example I can refer to, it will be really appreciated.

Following are the objectives I've taken into account.

  • Writing can only be executed by single thread and reading must be blocked when writing in order to avoid "invariant" break.
  • Reading can be executed by multiple threads.
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>

char g_c = 0i8;

char g_pReadChar[3]{};

void* g_pThreads[4]{};
unsigned long g_pThreadIDs[4]{};

long long g_llLock = 0ULL;          // 0 : Not locked   /   1 : Locked (Writing)    /   2 : Locked (Reading)
long long g_llEntryCount = 0ULL;    // Thread entry count

__forceinline void Read()
    // <- if a thread execution is here (case 0)
    // <- if a thread execution is here (case 1)

    for (unsigned long long i = 0ULL; i < 100000ULL; ++i)
        if (InterlockedCompareExchange64(&g_llLock, 2LL, 0LL) == 1LL)

        // <- if a thread execution is here (case 2)

        // --------------------------------------------------
        // Read data

        std::cout << g_c;

        // --------------------------------------------------

        InterlockedExchange64(&g_llLock, 1LL);  // Lock is needed in order to block case 0

        if (InterlockedDecrement64(&g_llEntryCount) == 0LL)
            InterlockedExchange64(&g_llLock, 0LL);
            InterlockedExchange64(&g_llLock, 2LL);



__forceinline unsigned long __stdcall ReadLoop(void* _pParam)
    while (true)

__forceinline void Write(const unsigned long long _ullKey)
    for (unsigned long long i = 0ULL; i < 100000ULL; ++i)
        if (InterlockedCompareExchange64(&g_llLock, 1LL, 0LL) != 0LL)

        // --------------------------------------------------
        // Write data

        if (_ullKey == 0ULL)
            g_c = 'A';
        else if (_ullKey == 1ULL)
            g_c = 'B';
            g_c = 'C';

        // --------------------------------------------------

        InterlockedExchange64(&g_llLock, 0LL);


__forceinline unsigned long __stdcall WriteLoop(void* _pParam)
    unsigned long long ullCount = 0ULL;
    unsigned long long ullKey = 0ULL;
    while (true)
        if (ullCount > 10000ULL)
            if (ullKey >= 3ULL)
                ullKey = 0ULL;
            ullCount = 0ULL;


int main()
    g_pThreads[0] = CreateThread(nullptr, 0ULL, ReadLoop, nullptr, 0UL, &g_pThreadIDs[0]);
    g_pThreads[1] = CreateThread(nullptr, 0ULL, ReadLoop, nullptr, 0UL, &g_pThreadIDs[1]);
    g_pThreads[2] = CreateThread(nullptr, 0ULL, ReadLoop, nullptr, 0UL, &g_pThreadIDs[2]);
    g_pThreads[3] = CreateThread(nullptr, 0ULL, WriteLoop, nullptr, 0UL, &g_pThreadIDs[3]);


    return 0;

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