ShareThis JavaScript alters IE9 history

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I am finding that in IE9 even for a simple act like clicking a link to navigate from one site page to another ShareThis is inserting as many as 7 entries into the history in between the referring page and the linked page.

screenshot of history

And looking on their forum site I see lots of staff acknowledgements of this kind of issue but no solutions.

We link directly to their current script so it's not an issue of having outdated scripts on our server.

Aside from ditching them does anyone have any recommendations or experience with this issue?

Update: finally found a thread about this. Not that ShareThis made any response but they have pushed new, flawed code probably yesterday...


There are 1 best solutions below


This was a bug in newly pushed code from ShareThis. They have resolved. Anyone still seeing issues should do a hard refresh (Ctrl F5) or clear cache.