Shiny with showing different table and data in tab

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I really need some help here!!!Would be greatly appreciated if anyone can help. I am creating a shiny app that showcases some of my analytic results that contains a datafram,a plot, Confusion Matrix result and a Brier Score Result. But I am getting stuck on trying to put everything in together.

I have created a basic shiny panel that the user can set the date limit to look at the data.(That's only for the Win Prob tab). I was hopping it will go away when the user goes to another tab. Here are the data that I have at the moment:

#Data frame that I would like to put in the Win Prob Table Tab
> head(results_from_2017)
  X       Date Week    HomeTeam       AwayTeam HomeScore AwayScore Score p_elo p_glicko p_steph tip_elo tip_glicko tip_steph
1 1 2017-03-23    1     Carlton       Richmond        89       132     0    NA       NA      NA      NA         NA        NA
2 2 2017-03-24    1 Collingwood      Footscray        86       100     0    NA       NA      NA      NA         NA        NA
3 3 2017-03-25    1    St Kilda      Melbourne        90       120     0    NA       NA      NA      NA         NA        NA
4 4 2017-03-25    1      Sydney  Port Adelaide        82       110     0    NA       NA      NA      NA         NA        NA
5 5 2017-03-25    1    Essendon       Hawthorn       116        91     1    NA       NA      NA      NA         NA        NA
6 6 2017-03-25    1  Gold Coast Brisbane Lions        96        98     0    NA       NA      NA      NA         NA        NA

#data of plot, it is an calibration plot (ggplot(calib))
> head(calib)
   calibModelVar            bin  Percent      Lower    Upper Count  midpoint
1          p_elo     [0,0.0909]  0.00000  0.0000000 70.75982     0  4.545455
2          p_elo (0.0909,0.182] 20.00000  4.3312005 48.08911     3 13.636364
3          p_elo  (0.182,0.273] 31.25000 18.6596283 46.25136    15 22.727273
4          p_elo  (0.273,0.364] 41.42857 29.7720961 53.83384    29 31.818182
5          p_elo  (0.364,0.455] 52.08333 41.6435917 62.39108    50 40.909091
6          p_elo  (0.455,0.545] 59.12409 50.4041426 67.44078    81 50.000000
7          p_elo  (0.545,0.636] 62.00000 51.7460694 71.52325    62 59.090909
8          p_elo  (0.636,0.727] 76.82927 66.2047918 85.43612    63 68.181818
9          p_elo  (0.727,0.818] 76.47059 58.8292158 89.25382    26 77.272727
10         p_elo  (0.818,0.909] 91.30435 71.9620664 98.92900    21 86.363636
11         p_elo      (0.909,1]  0.00000         NA       NA     0 95.454545
12      p_glicko     [0,0.0909] 11.11111  0.2809137 48.24965     1  4.545455
13      p_glicko (0.0909,0.182] 27.90698 15.3289233 43.66870    12 13.636364
14      p_glicko  (0.182,0.273] 42.85714 30.4554340 55.95290    27 22.727273
15      p_glicko  (0.273,0.364] 48.33333 35.2312930 61.60540    29 31.818182
16      p_glicko  (0.364,0.455] 43.75000 32.6763953 55.30024    35 40.909091
17      p_glicko  (0.455,0.545] 63.04348 52.3449283 72.87734    58 50.000000
18      p_glicko  (0.545,0.636] 60.52632 48.6495032 71.55668    46 59.090909
19      p_glicko  (0.636,0.727] 74.68354 63.6438278 83.79941    59 68.181818
20      p_glicko  (0.727,0.818] 75.43860 62.2389695 85.87314    43 77.272727
21      p_glicko  (0.818,0.909] 84.09091 69.9346786 93.35565    37 86.363636
22      p_glicko      (0.909,1] 60.00000 14.6632800 94.72550     3 95.454545
23       p_steph     [0,0.0909]  0.00000         NA       NA     0  4.545455
24       p_steph (0.0909,0.182]  0.00000         NA       NA     0 13.636364
25       p_steph  (0.182,0.273] 46.10390 38.0501192 54.31048    71 22.727273
26       p_steph  (0.273,0.364]  0.00000         NA       NA     0 31.818182
27       p_steph  (0.364,0.455]  0.00000         NA       NA     0 40.909091
28       p_steph  (0.455,0.545] 58.18815 52.2473498 63.95810   167 50.000000
29       p_steph  (0.545,0.636]  0.00000         NA       NA     0 59.090909
30       p_steph  (0.636,0.727]  0.00000         NA       NA     0 68.181818
31       p_steph  (0.727,0.818] 67.06587 59.3823743 74.13113   112 77.272727
32       p_steph  (0.818,0.909]  0.00000         NA       NA     0 86.363636
33       p_steph      (0.909,1]  0.00000         NA       NA     0 95.454545

[1] 11

[1] "1"

[1] "p_elo"    "p_glicko" "p_steph" 

calibration.formula(x = factor(Score, levels = c(1, 0)) ~ p_elo + 
    p_glicko + p_steph, data = results_from_2017[cond, ])

# Here is the confusion matrix from the model that I build
> head(cm_elo)

Prediction   0 0.5   1
       0   170   3 127
       0.5   0   0   0
       1    88   1 223

      Accuracy          Kappa  AccuracyLower  AccuracyUpper   AccuracyNull AccuracyPValue  McnemarPValue 
  0.6421568627   0.2868726855   0.6027469604   0.6801875233   0.5718954248   0.0002330252   0.0113301975 

           Sensitivity Specificity Pos Pred Value Neg Pred Value Precision    Recall       F1  Prevalence Detection Rate Detection Prevalence
Class: 0     0.6589147   0.6327684      0.5666667      0.7179487 0.5666667 0.6589147 0.609319 0.421568627      0.2777778            0.4901961
Class: 0.5   0.0000000   1.0000000            NaN      0.9934641        NA 0.0000000       NA 0.006535948      0.0000000            0.0000000
Class: 1     0.6371429   0.6603053      0.7147436      0.5766667 0.7147436 0.6371429 0.673716 0.571895425      0.3643791            0.5098039
           Balanced Accuracy
Class: 0           0.6458415
Class: 0.5         0.5000000
Class: 1           0.6487241

[1] "sens_spec"


> head(cm_glicko)

Prediction   0 0.5   1
       0   166   3 130
       0.5   0   0   0
       1    92   1 220

      Accuracy          Kappa  AccuracyLower  AccuracyUpper   AccuracyNull AccuracyPValue  McnemarPValue 
   0.630718954    0.263718246    0.591108675    0.669061195    0.571895425    0.001761803    0.014730372 

           Sensitivity Specificity Pos Pred Value Neg Pred Value Precision    Recall        F1  Prevalence Detection Rate Detection Prevalence
Class: 0     0.6434109   0.6242938      0.5551839      0.7060703 0.5551839 0.6434109 0.5960503 0.421568627      0.2712418            0.4885621
Class: 0.5   0.0000000   1.0000000            NaN      0.9934641        NA 0.0000000        NA 0.006535948      0.0000000            0.0000000
Class: 1     0.6285714   0.6450382      0.7028754      0.5652174 0.7028754 0.6285714 0.6636501 0.571895425      0.3594771            0.5114379
           Balanced Accuracy
Class: 0           0.6338523
Class: 0.5         0.5000000
Class: 1           0.6368048

[1] "sens_spec"


> head(cm_steph)

Prediction   0 0.5   1
       0   203   4 238
       0.5   0   0   0
       1    55   0 112

      Accuracy          Kappa  AccuracyLower  AccuracyUpper   AccuracyNull AccuracyPValue  McnemarPValue 
    0.51470588     0.09697741     0.47430337     0.55496587     0.57189542     0.99806573            NaN 

           Sensitivity Specificity Pos Pred Value Neg Pred Value Precision    Recall        F1  Prevalence Detection Rate Detection Prevalence
Class: 0     0.7868217   0.3163842      0.4561798      0.6706587 0.4561798 0.7868217 0.5775249 0.421568627      0.3316993            0.7271242
Class: 0.5   0.0000000   1.0000000            NaN      0.9934641        NA 0.0000000        NA 0.006535948      0.0000000            0.0000000
Class: 1     0.3200000   0.7900763      0.6706587      0.4651685 0.6706587 0.3200000 0.4332689 0.571895425      0.1830065            0.2728758
           Balanced Accuracy
Class: 0           0.5516029
Class: 0.5         0.5000000
Class: 1           0.5550382

[1] "sens_spec"


#Lastly is just a few Brier Score that I want to show
> head(brier_elo)
[1] 0.2231096
> head(brier_glicko)
[1] 0.2277511
> head(brier_steph)
[1] 0.2511355

I am unsure what function within the shiny package that I should use to show everything I have. But I have created a ui, just the function is unclear.

ui <- fluidPage(
  # App title ----
  titlePanel("2019 AFL Win Pro Result"),
  # Sidebar layout with input and output definitions ----
    # Sidebar panel for inputs ----
      # br() element to introduce extra vertical spacing ----
      # Input: Date Range
      dateRangeInput("date", "Date range:",
                     start  = "2017-03-30",
                     end    = "2019-09-28",
                     min    = "2017-03-30",
                     max    = "2019-09-28",
                     format = "yyyy/mm/dd",
                     separator = " - ")
    # Main panel for displaying outputs ----
      # Output: Tabset w/ plot, summary, and table ----
      tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",
                  tabPanel("Win Prob Table", tableOutput("plot")),
                  tabPanel("Model Comparison Plot", plotOutput("calib")),
                  tabPanel("Confusion Matrix", textOutput("Matrix")),
                  tabPanel("Brier Score and Accruacy", textOutput("Matrix"))

And here is what the ui and the plot of my ggplot(calib) look like: enter image description here

UI: enter image description here

Here's the code that works for the first bit that I wanted to show. After that I want the other tab panel to show other results that are not related to the data set which is just simply print out the analytical result that I have.

data <- results_from_2017
# Convert character to Date
data$Date=  as.Date(incidents$Date, format = "%Y-%m-%d")

# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("2019 AFL Win Prob Result"),
  # App title ----
  tabPanel("2019 AFL Win Pro Result",
                          label = 'Filter match by date',
                          start = as.Date('2017-03-23') , end = as.Date('2019-09-30')
  tabPanel("Model Comparison Plot"),
  tabPanel("Confustion Matrix")

  server <- function(input, output, session) {
    output$my_table  <- renderDataTable({
      # Filter the data
      incidents %>% filter(Date >= input$dateRange[1] & Date <= input$dateRange[2])
  shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


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