Show list of users in left bottom windows credential provider

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I am writing custom windows credential provider using c++ with the help of sample provided by windows CredentialProvider2

I modified CredentialCount and CredentialAt in provider class to return 3 users. Those 3 users appear below sign-in options link. I expect them to display left bottom of the screen.

HRESULT CSampleProvider::GetCredentialCount(
    _Out_ DWORD *pdwCount,
    _Out_ DWORD *pdwDefault,
    _Out_ BOOL *pbAutoLogonWithDefault)
    *pbAutoLogonWithDefault = FALSE;

    if (_fRecreateEnumeratedCredentials)
        _fRecreateEnumeratedCredentials = false;

    *pdwCount = 3;

    return S_OK;

HRESULT CSampleProvider::GetCredentialAt(
    DWORD dwIndex,
    _Outptr_result_nullonfailure_ ICredentialProviderCredential **ppcpc)
    *ppcpc = nullptr;

        hr = _pCredential->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(ppcpc));
    return hr;

This is what I get I get this

But I want to display the list of users in the left bottom of the screen. I will be a great help if you suggest me the changes are required to make it display left bottom on the screen?


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