Snapdragon Neural Processing Engine (SNPE) and Tiny Yolo on Android App

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for my final university exam I am trying to use SNPE with Tiny YOLO for real time object detection in an Android App. I succesfully converted model to DLC format, but i can't understand how to prepare input tensors and how to process output tensors. Can sameone help me? Thanks.


There are 1 best solutions below


Steps to build SNPE neural network and get the output FloatTensor:

  1. Create an asset folder in Android/app directory and keep the model file(.dlc) in the asset folder.

    // assetFileName is the file name of .dlc
    InputStream assetInputStream = application.getAssets().open(assetFileName); // Create and build the neural network
    NeuralNetwork network = new SNPE.NeuralNetworkBuilder(application)
    //outputLayerNames can be got while converted model to DLC format
            .setModel(assetInputStream, assetInputStream.available())
            .setRuntimeOrder(selectedRuntime) // Runtime.DSP, Runtime.GPU_FLOAT16, Runtime.GPU, Runtime.CPU
    // Close input
  2. Create an Input Tensor

  3. Propagate Input Tensors Through the Network
  4. Process the Neural Network Output

Please follow the link below and find sections mentioned in steps 2,3 and 4 for preparing input Tensors and processing output tensors