Solr... how to make search and correction word together?

82 Views Asked by At

I have two list (really there are many ) that i need to match between them. for example:

I have a documents like:

  • Manchester United
  • Arsenal FC
  • Wigan
  • ...

Second list is like:

  • Manchester U.
  • Arsenal
  • Wigan FC
  • ...

so, i need to query if each words of second list exists into the first list (and correct it if apply).

i can't use dictionary because the word list changes always. each list word can have multi-word.

i was looking some approach like N-gram, spellchecker, etc... but i am confused because these approach works letter by letter (for example first "M", second "Ma"...) and i don't know what to do or start. how do you resolve this problem? regards!


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