Solve a linear equation which has 16 variables

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I'm trying to solve a 16 variable linear equation. I tried in Matlab but it says that the solution could not be found. Is there an efficient way to solve the equations.

The equations are

a = a^2+e^2+i^2+m^2,
b = a*b+e*f+I*j+m*n,
c = a*c+e*g+I*k+m*o,
d = a*d+e*h+I*l+m*p,
e = a*b+e*f+I*j+m*n,
f = b^2+f^2+j^2+n^2,
g = b*c+f*g+j*k+n*o,
h = b*d+f*h+j*i+n*p,
i = c*a+g*e+I*k+o*m,
j = c*b+g*f+k*j+o*n,
k = c^2+g^2+k^2+o^2,
l = c*d+g*h+k*l+o*p,
m = d*a+h*e+i*l+p*m,
n = d*b+h*f+l*j+p*n,
o = d*c+h*g+l*k+p*o,
p = d^2+h^2+l^2+p^2

in MATLAB I Tried in the way I mentioned below,

>> syms a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
>> e1 = a^2+e^2+i^2+m^2 == a;
>> e2 = a*b+e*f+i*j+m*n == b;
>> e3 = a*c+e*g+i*k+m*o == c;
>> e4 = a*d+e*h+i*l+m*p == d;
>> e5 = a*b+e*f+i*j+m*n == e;
>> e6 = b^2+f^2+j^2+n^2 == f;
>> e7 = b*c+f*g+j*k+n*o == g;
>> e8 = b*d+f*h+j*i+n*p == h;
>> e9 = c*a+g*e+k*i+o*m == i;
>> e10 = c*b+g*f+k*j+o*n == j;
>> e11 = c^2+g^2+k^2+o^2 == k;
>> e12 = c*d+g*h+k*l+o*p == l;
>> e13 = d*a+h*e+l*i+p*m == m;
>> e14 = d*b+h*f+l*j+p*n == n;
>> e15 = d*c+h*g+l*k+p*o == o;
>> e16 = d^2+h^2+l^2+p^2 == p;
>> sol = solve([e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7,e8,e9,e10,e11,e12,e13,e14,e15,e16],[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p]);

Warning: Unable to find an explicit solution. For options, see the help.

In sym/solve (line 317)


There are 2 best solutions below


All variables having a value of 0 is one solution

All variables having a value of 1/4 is another solution.

For other solutions try NMinimize.


and in an instant it returns one solution:


With the option Method->"RandomSearch" it returns a completely different solution.


You can try making a matrix equation where M x v = ans gives you the system of equations. v = [a,b,c,d....n,p] and M would look like

enter image description here

You can enter them as a numpy array and then:

numpy.linalg.solve(M, ans)

Be careful because not all system of equations are solvable because the matrix M is not always inherently solvable ie. not every matrix can be made into an identity matrix.