Solving ODEs in parallel in Julia: variable answers, hangs after several executions

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I am using Julia DifferentialEquations on a large system of ODEs (127) that need to be solved repeatedly for different initial value vectors. I have found that CVODE_BDF is the fastest.

I'd like to send each ODE solve() to a different processor. However, I am getting puzzling behavior where the serial version of a function works, but the parallel version gets varying answers, & then hangs after being run a few times.

An example you can copy-paste to run is below. (Note: loads a file from gist which contains the pre-allocated indices & rate parameters for the ODE.)

using Dates                     # for e.g. DateTime,
using DifferentialEquations # for ODEProblem
using Sundials              # for CVODE_BDF

# Check that you have multiple threads
numthreads = Base.Threads.nthreads()

# Download & include() the pre-saved model structure/rates (all precalculated for speed; 1.8 MB)
url = ""
download(url,  "model_p_object.jl")
p_Es_v5 = load_ps_127();

# ODE to solve many times; @simd-enhanced version; 10+ times faster on a single core
ODE_to_solve_Ds_plain = (du,u,p,t) -> begin
  n = p.n
  mu = p.params.mu_vals
  Qij_vals = p.params.Qij_vals
  Cijk_vals = p.params.Cijk_vals
    # Pre-calculated solution of the Es
    uE = collect(repeat([0.0], 127)) # zero out the uE for now
  @inbounds for i in 1:n
        Qi_sub_i = p.p_TFs.Qi_sub_i[i]
        Qj_sub_i = p.p_TFs.Qj_sub_i[i]
        Qi_eq_i  = p.p_TFs.Qi_eq_i[i]
        Cj_sub_i = p.p_TFs.Cj_sub_i[i]
        Ck_sub_i = p.p_TFs.Ck_sub_i[i]
        Ci_eq_i  = p.p_TFs.Ci_eq_i[i]
        du[i] = -(sum(Cijk_vals[Ci_eq_i]) + sum(Qij_vals[Qi_eq_i]) + mu[i])*u[i] +  
            (sum(Qij_vals[Qi_eq_i] .* u[Qj_sub_i])) + 
            (sum(Cijk_vals[Ci_eq_i] .*                                               
             .+ u[Cj_sub_i].*uE[Ck_sub_i]) ))

# This is the core operation to solve "Ds"; plain version (no @simd)
function core_op_plain(u, tspan, p_Ds_v7)
    prob_Ds_v5 = DifferentialEquations.ODEProblem(ODE_to_solve_Ds_plain, u.+0.0, tspan, p_Ds_v7);
    sol_Ds_v5 = solve(prob_Ds_v5, CVODE_BDF(linear_solver=:GMRES), save_everystep=false, abstol=1e-12, reltol=1e-9);
    return sol_Ds_v5

# Do 8 solves in serial
function serial_solves_plain(tspan, p_Ds_v7, solve_results1; number_of_solves=8)
    start_time =
    for i in 1:number_of_solves
        solve_results1[i,:] .= 0.0
        solve_results1[i,i] = 1.0
        sol_Ds_v7 = core_op_plain(solve_results1[i,:], tspan, p_Ds_v7)
        solve_results1[i,:] .=  sol_Ds_v7.u[length(sol_Ds_v7.u)]
    duration = ( - start_time).value / 1000.0
    sum_of_solutions = sum(sum.(solve_results1))
    return (duration, sum_of_solutions)

# Do 8 solves in parallel
function parallel_solves_plain(tspan, p_Ds_v7, solve_results2; number_of_solves=8)
    print("\nSolved task #: ")
    start_time =
    # Make tasks, then run them
    tasks = Any[]
    tasks_fetched_TF = Bool[]
    for i in 1:number_of_solves
        solve_results2[i,i] = 1.0 
        push!(tasks, Base.Threads.@spawn core_op_plain(solve_results2[i,:].+0.0, tspan, p_Ds_v7));
        push!(tasks_fetched_TF, false)

    are_we_done = false;
    done_count = 0;
    while(are_we_done == false)
        for k in 1:number_of_solves
            if (istaskstarted(tasks[k]) == true) && (istaskdone(tasks[k]) == true) && (tasks_fetched_TF[k] == false)
                sol_Ds_v7 = fetch(tasks[k]);
                solve_results2[k,:] .= sol_Ds_v7.u[length(sol_Ds_v7.u)].+0.0
                done_count = done_count + 1;
                tasks_fetched_TF[k] = true
                print(" ")
        if (done_count >= number_of_solves)
            are_we_done = true
            are_we_done && break
    duration = ( - start_time).value / 1000;
    sum_of_solutions = sum(sum.(solve_results2));
    return (duration, sum_of_solutions)

# Set up input; output objects
numstates = 127
number_of_solves = 8

solve_results1 = Array{Float64, 2}(undef, number_of_solves, numstates);
solve_results1 .= 0.0;
solve_results2 = Array{Float64, 2}(undef, number_of_solves, numstates);
solve_results2 .= 0.0;

# Set up ODE Ds inputs
tspan = (0.0, 1.0)
p_Ds_v7 = (n=p_Es_v5.n, params=p_Es_v5.params, p_indices=p_Es_v5.p_indices, p_TFs=p_Es_v5.p_TFs, uE=p_Es_v5.uE, terms=p_Es_v5.terms);
p = p_Ds_v7;
tspan = (0.0, 1.0)

# Single solve operations for Ds; but solve() will be run many times
@time core_op_plain(u, tspan, p_Ds_v7);
@time core_op_plain(u, tspan, p_Ds_v7);

# Multiple ODE solves, serial versions
serial_solves_plain(tspan, p_Ds_v7, solve_results1; number_of_solves=number_of_solves)
serial_solves_plain(tspan, p_Ds_v7, solve_results1; number_of_solves=number_of_solves)
serial_solves_plain(tspan, p_Ds_v7, solve_results1; number_of_solves=number_of_solves)
#   (1.042, 7.048516354666927)
# (1.04, 7.048516354666927)
# (1.028, 7.048516354666927)

# Multiple ODE solves, parallel versions; answers differ
parallel_solves_plain(tspan, p_Ds_v7, solve_results2; number_of_solves=8)
parallel_solves_plain(tspan, p_Ds_v7, solve_results2; number_of_solves=8)
# Solved task #: 8 1 6 2 5 4 7 3 
# (0.331, 7.048516354666927)
# Solved task #: 8 1 6 2 5 4 7 3 
# (0.215, 7.680340772075006)

# Usually hangs on the 3rd try...
parallel_solves_plain(tspan, p_Ds_v7, solve_results2; number_of_solves=8)
# Hangs on:
# Solved task #: 

There are 1 best solutions below


These aren't solving the same thing. In one case you do:

    solve_results1[i,:] .= 0.0
    solve_results1[i,i] = 1.0
    sol_Ds_v7 = core_op_plain(solve_results1[i,:], tspan, p_Ds_v7)

in the other you do

    solve_results2[i,i] = 1.0 
    push!(tasks, Base.Threads.@spawn core_op_plain(solve_results2[i,:].+0.0, tspan, p_Ds_v7));

solve_results2 is not zeroed before the run here, which is not the same as adding zero. This is why the first solve is correct, since you do solve_results2 .= 0.0; in the setup, so it's zeroed. But then after the first run it will have mutated and when you re-solve the initial condition is the solution of the last time.

That and a deepcopy of p makes it clearly thread safe. I haven't looked at this closely but if you use the same p object on multiple threads and they mutate the same p, then you will end up with one run effecting the parameters of the other. deepcopy will fix this the easy way, and the harder way is to make pre-thread caches so you don't collide the overwrites.