sorting an S3 bucket by last updated date

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According to , you can use the AWS S3 CLI client to sort the results of a list-objects-v2 by the last modified date, as follows:

aws s3api list-objects --bucket bucketname --query 'sort_by(Contents, &LastModified)[-1].Key' --output text

My question is... how do you do that with the PHP client / Aws\S3\S3Client::listObjects? mentions a bunch of options you can pass to it and none of them are "query":

$result = $client->listObjects([
    'Bucket' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Delimiter' => '<string>',
    'EncodingType' => 'url',
    'ExpectedBucketOwner' => '<string>',
    'Marker' => '<string>',
    'MaxKeys' => <integer>,
    'OptionalObjectAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
    'Prefix' => '<string>',
    'RequestPayer' => 'requester',

Is it just not possible with the PHP API client?


There are 2 best solutions below


--query is a client-side parameter supported by AWS CLI. It's not a part of the API.

You'll need to sort the results in your PHP code.

This parameter uses JMESPath as a scripting language for modifying the output results. If you want to completely mimic its behavior, you can use a JMESPath library such as this.


As others have stated, query is not part of API parameters; instead you can use JMESPath which enables you to declaratively specify how to extract elements from a JSON document. The AWS SDK for PHP already has a dependency on jmespath.php.

The Aws\ResultInterface interface has a search($expression) method that extracts data from a result model based on a JMESPath expression.

$expr = '<your_jmespath_expression>';
$data = $result->search($expr);