Soup.Websocket on Vala

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I wrote a client and server for tests. Client:

static Soup.WebsocketConnection websocket;

int main (string[] args)
    var ws_session = new Soup.Session();
    var ws_message = new Soup.Message("GET", "");

    string[] protocols = {"chat"};
    var ws_loop = new MainLoop();
    ws_session.websocket_connect_async.begin(ws_message, "localhost", protocols, null, (obj, res) => {
        websocket = ws_session.websocket_connect_async.end(res);

    stdout.printf("Program end. Press ENTER"); // the program does not reach this point
    websocket.close(0, null);
    return 0;

void rec_message(int type, Bytes message){
    stdout.printf("WebSock receive:\n");
    websocket.send_text("test_message2"); // client does not send message

And server:

public class WSServer : Soup.Server {
    private int access_counter = 0;
    public WSServer(){
        assert (this != null);
        string[] protocols = {"chat"};
        this.add_websocket_handler(null,"localhost", protocols, get_ws);

    void get_ws(Soup.Server server, Soup.WebsocketConnection connection, string path, Soup.ClientContext client){
        string host = client.get_host();
        info (@"Client connected! Host: $host");
        string msg = """test_message1""";
        info (@"Sending to client message: $msg");

    void ws_message(int id, Bytes msg){
        string message = (string)msg.get_data();
        info(@"Message received! ID: $id Message:\n$message\n");

int main (string[] args)
    try {
        int port = 8088;
        MainLoop loop = new MainLoop ();
        WSServer server = new WSServer ();
        server.listen_local (port, 0); ();
    } catch (Error e) {
        error ("Error: %s\n", e.message);

    stdout.printf("Programm end. Press ENTER");
    stdin.read_line ();
    return 0;

After starting the server and client, the connection and exchange of the first message occurs test_message1 after which the server closes the connection and no longer receives messages. The client attempts to send a message test_message2 and then closes the connection with the code and the error message: WS Error 44: Error receiving data: Connection reset by peer


There are 1 best solutions below


In general, the solutions to my questions are as follows:

  1. The first problem was solved by removing ws_loop.quit();:
var ws_loop = new MainLoop();
ws_session.websocket_connect_async.begin(ws_message, "localhost", protocols, null, (obj, res) => {
    websocket = ws_session.websocket_connect_async.end(res);
    //ws_loop.quit(); // this error
  1. The connection is closed by the server since the instance WebsocketConnection is destroyed when exiting the function void get_ws(Soup.Server server, Soup.WebsocketConnection connection, string path, Soup.ClientContext client)